TomTom Telematics surpasses 350,000 vehicles subscribed to its SaaS platform

Amsterdam, 23 April 2014
TomTom Telematics (formerly known as TomTom Business Solutions) now has 28,000 customers and 350,000 vehicles subscribed to its Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Fleet Management Solution. This represents a 38% year-on-year growth and reaffirms its position as the market leader in Europe.

Its WEBFLEET platform provides real time vehicle tracking, driving information and reports about operational performance to fleet managers.

The growth of WEBFLEET is founded upon its success in helping businesses operate more efficiently by turning large vehicle data volumes into actionable insights said Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director, TomTom Telematics. As the largest and fastest growing fleet management provider in Europe, we have a lot of experience in helping customers to use this data to manage and improve their overall vehicle operations

In a single day, these 350,000 managed vehicles make 1.75 million business and private trips and drive more than 60 million km, the equivalent of 1,500 times around the world. The data centers, provided with the highest security and performance standard (ISO27001), process over 425 million messages and GPS positions per day or 25 billion new data points every quarter. At any moment, this data is immediately available to business customers in clear dashboards, live vehicle information or via detailed reports in order to decrease fuel, maintenance and insurance costs of the fleet of vehicles.

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Annika Schaich

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