Top German insurance provider selects TomTom Telematics

Amsterdam, 29 October 2014
TomTom Telematics today announced a new deal with Signal Iduna, a leading insurance provider in Germany, who has launched an innovative new car insurance policy through sijox, its young customer brand. AppDrive powered by TomTom uses a smartphone app to provide feedback on driving performance, to help increase road safety awareness for young drivers.

AppDrive powered by TomTom presents actionable data insights from TomTom’s LINK 100, such as harsh braking, steering and acceleration, to a driver’s smartphone. Policy holders using the app benefit from an immediate discount on the sijox insurance package ‘My Mobility’ from Signal Iduna. The discount will increase the longer they drive responsibly, encouraging young drivers to adopt safer, more efficient driving habits.

Policy holders can self-install the LINK 100 device by plugging it directly into the diagnostics port of their car. Driving behaviour is reported once installed; and drivers can be assured of location privacy as the LINK 100 does not transmit the vehicle’s position.

We are delighted that a leading insurance provider like Signal Iduna has chosen TomTom Telematics to develop innovative new products said Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director, TomTom Telematics. Our technology continues to help our partners in the insurance and motor industry offer a new generation of young drivers the tools to identify areas of risk, and make adjustments to improve their road safety

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Annika Schaich

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