ล˜eลกenรญ pro sprรกvu vozovรฉho parku
Sledovรกnรญ vozidelSledujte svรฉ nรกkladnรญ vozy, dodรกvky, osobnรญ vozidla, nรกvฤ›sy aย dalลกรญ majetek pomocรญ GPS
Bezpeฤnost aย รบdrลพba vozovรฉho parkuZvyลกovรกnรญ bezpeฤnosti prostล™edยญnictvรญm ลกkolenรญ ล™idiฤลฏ, palubnรญch kamer s umฤ›lou inteligencรญ, digitaยญliยญzoยญvanรฝm kontrolรกm vozidel, monitoยญrovรกnรญ tlaku v pneumaยญtikรกch v reรกlnรฉm ฤase a plรกnovanรฉ รบdrลพby
Sprรกva pracovnรญch postupลฏZvyลกte produkยญtivitu pomocรญ profeยญsiยญoยญnรกlnรญ navigace, optimaยญlizace tras aย sprรกvy zakรกzek
Dodrลพovรกnรญ pล™edpisลฏVyhnฤ›te se placenรญ pokut dรญky tachografลฏm, knihรกm jรญzd, dodrลพovรกnรญ pracovnรญ doby ล™idiฤลฏ aย sprรกvฤ› chladรญยญrenยญskรฉho ล™etฤ›zce
Udrลพiยญtelnost aย elektrickรก vozidlaSniลพte emise CO2 pomocรญ ekologickรฉ jรญzdy a optimaยญlizace elektroยญmobilลฏ

Indiviยญduรกlnรญ doporuฤenรญ
Poradce pro vรฝbฤ›r ล™eลกenรญNajdฤ›te ล™eลกenรญ, kterรฉ se nejvรญce hodรญ pro vaลกi firmu
Platformy aย aplikace
Platforma Webfleetล˜eลกenรญ SaaS, kterรฉ vรกs propojรญ sย ล™idiฤi aย vozidly
Mobilnรญ aplikaceย NovรฉKompletnรญ sada mobilnรญch aplikacรญ
Ve vozidle
Zaล™รญzenรญ pro sledovรกnรญ vozidelSledujte svรก vozidla pomocรญ zaล™รญzenรญ LINK, kterรก vรกm zajistรญ uลพiteฤnรฉ informace
Zaล™รญzenรญ Driver Terminalย NovรฉZaล™รญzenรญ Driver Terminal PRO poskytujรญ navigaci, komunikaci aย hlรกลกenรญ pro provoz vaลกรญ firmy
Palubnรญ kamery pro vozovรฝ parkChraลˆte svลฏj vozovรฝ park aย ล™idiฤe aย sniลพte poฤet pojistnรฝch udรกlostรญ sย telemaยญtickou sluลพbou Webfleet Video.
Monitoยญrovรกnรญ pneumatikย NovรฉReagujte rychle aย eliminujte prostoje se systรฉmem TPMS
Integrace OEMZaล™รญzenรญ instalovanรก vรฝrobcem vozidla pล™i vรฝrobฤ›
Firemnรญ integraceOd spoleฤnosti Webfleet aย tล™etรญch stran
Platforma sluลพeb pro elektroยญmobilyPortfolio sluลพeb pro elektroยญmobily pro firemnรญ vozovรฉ parky
Hledรกte-li naลกe partnery
Prodejnรญ partneล™iVyhledejte mรญstnรญho prodejnรญho partnera spoleฤnosti Webfleet
Integraฤnรญ partneล™iSeznamte se sย naลกimi integrรกtory softwaru
Pokud jste partner
Portรกl pro partneryZรญskejte pล™รญstup na partnerskรฝ portรกl
Zdroje pro vรฝvojรกล™eZaฤnฤ›te tvoล™it pomocรญ naลกeho rozhranรญ API
Staลˆte se partnerem
Staลˆte se obchodnรญm partneremProdรกvejte nejobยญlรญยญbeยญnฤ›jลกรญ ล™eลกenรญ sprรกvy vozovรฉho parku vย Evropฤ›
Stรกt se integraฤnรญm partneremZaveฤte integraci sย nejinoยญvaยญtivยญnฤ›jลกรญm ล™eลกenรญm pro sprรกvu vozovรฉho parku vย Evropฤ›
Sรญลฅ sluลพeb pro elektroยญmobilyIntegrujte svรก ล™eลกenรญ do naลกรญ platformy sluลพeb pro elektroยญmobily pro elektrickรฉ firemnรญ vozovรฉ parky
ZdrojeProzkouยญmejte naลกi ลกirokou nabรญdku bรญlรฝch knih, pล™รญpadovรฝch studiรญ, webinรกล™ลฏ, videรญ aย dalลกรญch zdrojลฏ
Bรญlรฉ knihyZjistฤ›te nejnovฤ›jลกรญ aย nejdลฏยญleยญลพiยญtฤ›jลกรญ informace oย tรฉmatech, kterรก hรฝbou vaลกรญm odvฤ›tvรญm, zย naลกich podrobnรฝch zprรกv
Pล™รญpadovรฉ studieJak sluลพba Webfleet pomรกhรก firmฤ›, jako je ta vaลกe? Zjistฤ›te, co ล™รญkajรญ naลกi zรกkaznรญci
Glosรกล™Veลกkerรฉ termรญny tรฝkajรญcรญ se sprรกvy vozovรฉho parku vย jednom praktickรฉm glosรกล™i
ict communication london by nightict communication london by nightict communication london by nightict communication london by nightict communication london by nightict communication london by night

Webfleet AI assistant

Actionable insights on driving behaviour - easier, faster, better with the power of generative AI. Now available to beta test for select Webfleet users on Webfleet OptiDrive*.

Join the waiting list

Sign up and be one of the first Webfleet customers to try Webfleet AI Assistant on Optidrive

Zadejte kล™estnรญ jmรฉno.
Zadejte pล™รญjmenรญ.
Zadejte firmu.
Zvolte obor podnikรกnรญ.
Zadejte telefonnรญ ฤรญslo.
Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu
Poฤet vozidel ve vaลกem vozovรฉm parku:
Tato poloลพka je povinnรก.
Tato poloลพka je povinnรก.

Vaลกe osobnรญ รบdaje jsou uย nรกs vย bezpeฤรญ.ย Dalลกรญ informace zรญskรกte vย naลกem dokumentu Zรกsady ochrany osobnรญch รบdajลฏ.

Webfleet AI assistant

Actionable insights on driving behaviour - easier, faster, better with the power of generative AI. Now available to beta test for select Webfleet users on Webfleet OptiDrive*.

ict communication london by nightict communication london by nightict communication london by nightict communication london by nightict communication london by nightict communication london by night

Webfleet AI Assistant uses generative AI to deliver faster, more precise fleet management insights. Instead of searching through dashboards, get exact answers to your fleet challenges by typing simple prompts. This instant clarity helps you make smarter decisions to cut costs, improve safety, reduce fuel consumption and boost productivity.

Webfleet AI Assistant is now available to beta test by select Webfleet users on OptiDrive, Webfleetโ€™s data-driven driving performance insights tool.

Discover Webfleet AI Assistant on OptiDrive


Get powerful insights easily

by interacting with an intuitive AI.

Take data-driven action faster

based on precise answers on driving behaviour challenges.

Protect your data

with the highest standard of data security in Europe.

Increase productivity

with less time spent analysing and more time improving performance.

Improve driver safety

with exact, data-based coaching.

Empower more members of your team

with a straightยญforward process for accessing valuable insights.


Make it easy with the power of generative AI

Forget digging through reports or adjusting filters to get to the bottom of complex issues. Simply ask the Webfleet AI Assistant on OptiDrive. Type prompts like Give me the statistics for all driving time and total mileage for my drivers, aggregated for the last five months, or What is the fuel consumption trend over the last three months? and get precise overviews in seconds. You can also access pre-defined prompts and suggested follow-up questions.

fuel consumtion trend result
trend questions

A range of key performance indicators

Interact with and explore a host of data from a range of key performance indicators, including OptiDrive score, driving events, speeding, video events, constant speed, cruise control, coasting, green speed, gear shifting, mileage, engine hours, orders, carbon footprint, trips count and fuel and energy consumption.

The highest standard of data security

The Webfleet platform is protected with the ISO/IEC 27001:2017 security standard โ€“ the highest standard for data security in Europe. That means the added convenience and seamless interaction you get from Webfleet AI Assistant does not come with any extra risk of compromising sensitive fleet data.

information security and privacy
fleet manager driver 01

Put the power of data-driven insights in more hands

With data analysis as simple as typing a sentence, Webfleet AI Assistant enables more people in your business to generate tailored, actionable insights. This leads to smarter decisions and better alignment across your organisation.

Join the waiting list

Want to try Webfleet AI Assistant on OptiDrive? Join the waiting list and be one of the first customers to benefit from the transยญformยญative power of generative AI.

WF GREEN SAFE supporting image 03WF GREEN SAFE supporting image 03WF GREEN SAFE supporting image 03WF GREEN SAFE supporting image 03WF GREEN SAFE supporting image 03WF GREEN SAFE supporting image 03

Join the waiting list

Sign up and be one of the first Webfleet customers to try Webfleet AI Assistant on Optidrive

Zadejte kล™estnรญ jmรฉno.
Zadejte pล™รญjmenรญ.
Zadejte firmu.
Zvolte obor podnikรกnรญ.
Zadejte telefonnรญ ฤรญslo.
Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu
Poฤet vozidel ve vaลกem vozovรฉm parku:
Tato poloลพka je povinnรก.
Tato poloลพka je povinnรก.

Vaลกe osobnรญ รบdaje jsou uย nรกs vย bezpeฤรญ.ย Dalลกรญ informace zรญskรกte vย naลกem dokumentu Zรกsady ochrany osobnรญch รบdajลฏ.

*Webfleet AI Assistant is not yet commercially available. Webfleet AI Assistant on OptiDrive is available for Beta testing for select Webfleet's customers.

Je vyลพadovรกn vรกลก souhlas

V tรฉto ฤรกsti je vloลพenรฝ externรญ obsah ze sluลพbyย .

Pokud ho chcete zobrazit, je nutnรฝ vรกลก souhlas s pouลพรญvรกnรญm nรกsleยญduยญjรญcรญch kategoriรญ souborลฏ cookie:

  • Cรญlenรก reklama
  • Analytika aย pล™izpลฏยญsobenรญ
  • Nezbytnรฉ

Dalลกรญ informace naleznete v naลกich zรกsadรกch ochrany osobnรญch รบdajลฏ.ย Pokud vรกs zajรญmรก, jak spoleฤnost ###vendor_name### zpracovรกvรก vaลกe รบdaje, podรญvejte se na jejich zรกsady ochrany osobnรญch รบdajลฏ.