An integrated telematics, transport management and camera solution has revolutionised our operations and boosted productivity, with results far exceeding expectations.

The Company
The Company
Strata Logistics is a growing independent haulier covering the whole of the UK with a focus on the North West and East of England as well as Central and Greater London. With 12 HGVs, its fleet provides distribution services for a variety of sectors, including blue chip organisations such as Yodel, Hermes, ASDA and Tarmac.
The Challenge
The Challenge
As a new logistics business, scaling-up initially called for extensive outsourcing. But to grow to the next phase of maturity, the company needed to bring its administration processes in-house.
Strata identified that a lack of visibility over driver’s hours, working time on site and live tachograph compliance was making the management of workflow difficult. Work scheduling was also becoming cumbersome, with a reliance on using spreadsheets.
In addition, to continue eligibility for key contracts, Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) accreditation was needed.
The Solution
The Solution
Following an extensive market review, the company specified a fully digital, single interface, fleet management solution, underpinned by Webfleet.
The cloud-based fleet management platform from Webfleet was integrated with TDi Software’s TransMaS traffic management system and disc-check tachograph analysis software, along with connected cameras from VisionTrack.
The combined solution is now helping Strata to achieve high levels of automation-led fleet efficiency – getting the right data to the right people at the right time.
Strata Logistics Ltd. si vybrali tato zařízení jako nejlepší řešení pro správu vozového parku1:
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