TomTom Business Solutions renamed to TomTom Telematics

31 March 2014
TomTom today announced that its business unit dedicated to providing fleet management and vehicle telematics services has been renamed to TomTom Telematics.

The new name reflects its strong position in providing Telematics Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The SaaS platform, WEBFLEET is the company’s premiere product that helps businesses to improve vehicle performance, save fuel, support drivers and increase overall fleet efficiency.

Quick to implement and easy to use, WEBFLEET can be incorporated with a range of software and hardware, enabling companies to make smarter decisions and keep moving towards their business goals.

The fleet management market is expanding rapidly. We are focused on maintaining our strong growth in this sector through innovation and the development of strategic partnerships commented Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director, TomTom Telematics. WEBFLEET will continue to help companies achieve higher standards of efficiency, customer service and corporate responsibility added Schmidt.


Annika Schaich

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