Sporing af køretøjerSpor dine lastbiler, varevogne, biler, anhængere og aktiver med GPS-sporing
Flådesik­kerhed og vedli­ge­hol­delseØg sikkerheden med chauf­førco­a­ching, AI-dashcam, digita­li­seret køretøjs­kontrol, dæktryks­over­våg­nings­system og planlagt vedli­ge­hol­delse
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Virksom­heds­ad­mi­ni­strationSpar tid på rappor­tering, arbejds­tids­re­gi­strering og chauf­fø­ri­den­ti­fi­cering

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I køretøjet
Enheder til sporing af køretøjerSpor dine køretøjer, og få oplysninger med LINK-serier
Driver terminals NyhedDu kan navigere, kommunikere og indberette om din drift med PRO Driver Termi­nal-­serien
Dashcams til flåderBeskyt din flåde og dine chauffører, og reducer antallet af skadesan­mel­delser med Webfleet Video-t­e­le­matik.
Dækover­vågning NyhedReager hurtigt, og eliminer nedetid med TPMS (dæktryks­over­våg­nings­system)
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TomTom Telematics celebrates 15 years of WEBFLEET

Amsterdam, September 30
TomTom Telematics this month celebrates the 15th anniversary of WEBFLEET, its award-winning fleet management platform.

Launched in 1999, it has grown to become the most widely-adopted telematics SaaS platform in Europe, providing businesses with actionable insights into fleet operations.

Over the last 15 years, WEBFLEET has been used to improve mobile operations in every sector imaginable; transport and logistics, utilities, construction, meal delivery, breakdown assistance, car sharing schemes. WEBFLEET has tracked the movement of everything from space shuttles to portable toilets, from sports officials to exotic animals.

Our client experience shows us that WEBFLEET today saves businesses around the world an estimated €80 million a month and more than 11.5 million litres of fuel every day said Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director, TomTom Telematics.

The innovative approach to fleet management established 15 years ago remains as strong today and WEBFLEET continues to evolve, providing customers with ever smarter ways to achieve their business goals

WEBFLEET’s market-leading position was recently recognised by ABI Research, which named TomTom Telematics among the top three companies in the world for commercial vehicle telematics.

To celebrate our 15th birthday, we've sought out some surprising examples of WEBFLEET in action. WEBFLEET is being used in some surprising ways…in some of the world’s most remote locations.

  • WEBFLEET powers talking tour cars operating in Barcelona. Tourists take their own personal tour of a city enjoying key sights at their own pace while the 'talking' car acts as their guide.
  • In Italy, WEBFLEET is used by an electric car hire company to highlight which vehicle with the most residual battery power is nearest to a customer.
  • A leading online takeaway ordering service uses the PRO 9100 to track bike couriers making home deliveries In Denmark. The PRO 9100 is strapped to the bikers arm in a weather proof pouch!
  • A medical charity supported by six Boston hospitals tracks its helicopters transporting emergency patients (regardless of their ability to pay) using WEBFLEET.
  • LINK devices track electric-powered 'sloepen' boats through the canals of Amsterdam, Leiden and Utrecht.
  • Exotic animalslike elephants and giraffes are tracked as they are transported across Europe in a special vehicle.
  • In North Texas, a company tracks their distribution of portable toilets using WEBFLEET.
  • WEBFLEET was used to monitor 70 vehicles transporting football officials around the 2007 European Under-21 Championship.
  • Vehicles in more than 60 countries around the world are connected to WEBFLEET. Stretching from the Azores in the middle of the North Atlanctic Ocean, to Magnitogorsk, south of the Ural mountains, the far north coast of NewZealand, Nigeria and Hawaii.
  • In New York, a dog waste removal service uses WEBFLEET to track vehicles as they clean up the streets of Long Island


Annika Schaich

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