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TomTom Telematics Named Best Commercial Vehicle Systems Integrator at TU-Automotive Awards

TomTom Telematics, a leading provider of advanced fleet management solutions, has been recognised by TU-Automotive as the 2015 Best Commercial Vehicle Systems Integrator Award recipient. The award recognises the impact of TomTom’s cloud-based SaaS platform, WEBFLEET, and was announced on 2 June at the TU-Automotive Awards Ceremony in Novi, Michigan. According to the judges, TomTom Telematics was selected because of “their progressive attitude, multi-faceted solution and ability to innovate.”

TomTom Telematics has cultivated a growing eco-system of more than 300 software and hardware partners unique in the fleet management industry, with all applications published in its App Center.

The WEBFLEET.connect API allows third party software partners access to all field data generated by drivers and vehicles, in the same way they have access to all processed and aggregated data provided by WEBFLEET.

In addition, TomTom Telematics provides additional .connect APIs for all of its in-vehicle equipment, allowing third party hardware to connect smoothly to the TomTom Telematics black box by using it as in-vehicle communications hub. By taking advantage of OBDII based data sets on Smartphone applications or accessing instant in-vehicle and office-based data streams on TomTom Telematics driver terminals, partners can provide customized applications easily.

TU-Automotive is proud to announce the winners for the 2015 TU-Automotive Awards. As the connected car space continues to grow and gain momentum, staying ahead of the curve and continually innovating is no mean feat, said Krystyna Grant, director, TU-Automotive. Our winners represent the dedication, spirit and determination needed to succeed in such a highly-competitive space. With over 400 companies submitting nominations from across the globe, it’s been another great year for the TU-Automotive Awards –congratulations to all!

TomTom Telematics is committed to helping vehicle operators exploit the power of the connected car through its open platform approach. This open platform is integral to the company's strategy and has resulted in the creation of an end-to-end fleet management system, which allows seamless data flow between drivers, vehicle and office. New applications have been produced to help customers digitise business processes and benefit from even greater efficiencies.

It is extremely gratifying to have TU-Automotive validate our approach, especially as we continue to invest in our APIs, SDKs and partner ecosystem, said Thomas Schmidt, managing director, TomTom Telematics. We are committed to delivering value to our fleet customers across industries. The best way to do that is to make integration with industry-specific solutions easy and efficient. Through our partner ecosystem, App Center and WEBFLEET platform, we are able to deliver value and improve the bottom line for more than 35,000 organisations worldwide.


Annika Schaich

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