TomTom Telematics acquires leading Polish fleet management service provider Finder S.A.

Amsterdam, 4 January 2016
Today TomTom (TOM2) announced that it has acquired Finder S.A., the leading fleet management service provider in Poland, effective as of the end of December 2015.

The acquisition strengthens the position of TomTom Telematics as the leading and fastest-growing fleet management and telematics service provider in Europe.

Poland is one of the fastest growing telematics markets in Europe, said Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director TomTom Telematics. By combining the strength of existing TomTom Telematics activities with Finder S.A., we directly address a large and growing telematics market with high potential whilst establishing a leading position in Eastern Europe.

This acquisition adds more than 60,000 subscriptions to the TomTom Telematics installed base. The total installed base of TomTom Telematics has now passed the 600,000 vehicles landmark.

No further details of the acquisition are disclosed.


Annika Schaich

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