New group structure continues to support growth strategy TomTom Business Solutions

Today TomTom disclosed details about its restructuring programme, which is aimed at increasing the return on R&D investments. In the new setting the support for TomTom Business Solutions' growth strategy remains. We will continue to leverage the group innovations and technologies to bring the best fleet management solutions to the market. Since its start, the business unit has outperformed the strong market growth in telematics and has been the fastest organically growing telematics services provider in Europe since 2009. To support this ongoing growth we have recently further increased our WEBFLEET platform capacity.

TomTom Business Solutions will embed one of ten independent product units. All Fleet products like WEBFLEET, the in-car LINK device and PRO-series professional navigation devices remain under the responsibility of Business Solutions. We will remain committed to making our customer's businesses more efficient and bring award winning product to the market like OptiDrive and Active Driver Feedback features.


Annika Schaich

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