Sporing af køretøjerSpor dine lastbiler, varevogne, biler, anhængere og aktiver med GPS-sporing
Flådesik­kerhed og vedli­ge­hol­delseØg sikkerheden med chauf­førco­a­ching, AI-dashcam, digita­li­seret køretøjs­kontrol, dæktryks­over­våg­nings­system og planlagt vedli­ge­hol­delse
Styring af arbejds­gangeBoost produk­ti­vi­teten via profes­sionel navigation, ruteo­p­ti­mering og ordre­styring
Overhol­delseUndgå bøder med fartskriver, køretider, logbog og styring af kølekæde
Bæredyg­tighed og elektriske køretøjerReducer CO22-udledning med grøn kørsel, råd om elektri­fi­cering og optimering af elektriske køretøjer

Individuel anbefaling
Løsnings­rå­d­giverFind ud af, hvilken løsning der egner sig bedst til din virksomhed
Platform og apps
Webfleet-platformSaaS-­løsning, der forbinder dig, din chauffør og dine køretøjer
Mobilapps NyhedEn komplet samling af appli­ka­tioner til brug på farten
I køretøjet
Enheder til sporing af køretøjerSpor dine køretøjer, og få oplysninger med LINK-serier
Driver terminals NyhedDu kan navigere, kommunikere og indberette om din drift med PRO Driver Termi­nal-­serien
Dashcams til flåderBeskyt din flåde og dine chauffører, og reducer antallet af skadesan­mel­delser med Webfleet Video-t­e­le­matik.
Dækover­vågning NyhedReager hurtigt, og eliminer nedetid med TPMS (dæktryks­over­våg­nings­system)
OEM-in­te­grationFabrik­sin­stal­leret enheder fra bilpro­ducent
Virksom­heds­in­te­grationMed Webfleet og løsninger fra tredje­parter
EV Services PlatformEn portefølje af EV-tje­nester til erhvervs­flåder
Hvis du søger efter vores partnere
Salgs­partnereFind din lokale Webfleet-salgs­partner
Hvis du er en partner
Partner­portalGå ind på din partner­portal
Udvik­lerre­s­sourcerBegynd at bygge med vores API
Bliv partner
Bliv salgs­partnerSælg Europas markeds­førende flådesty­rings­løsning
Bliv integra­tions­partnerIntegrer til Europas mest innovative flådesty­rings­løsning
Netværk for EV-tje­nesterIntegrer dine løsninger i vores EV Services Platform for kommercielle elektriske flåder
RessourcerUdforsk vores omfattende udvalg af hvidbøger, casestudier, webinarer, videoer og meget mere
BlogFå adgang til eksklusiv flåde­indsigt fra vores team af eksperter inden for mobilitet
HvidbøgerDyk ned i de hotteste og vigtigste emner, som din branche står over for, med vores detaljerede rapporter
CasestudierHvad gør Webfleet for en virksomhed som din? Find ud af, hvad vores kunder siger
OrdlisteAl flådesty­rings­sprog forklaret i vores omfattende ordliste

Helping you get it done since 1999

wf 25years banner nologo croppedwf 25years banner nologo croppedwf 25years banner nologo croppedwf 25years banner nologo croppedwf 25years banner nologo croppedwf 25years banner nologo cropped

A milestone in our journey

This year, Webfleet, Bridgestone’s globally trusted fleet management solution, turns 25. That’s right – for a quarter of a century now, fleet managers and drivers across the world have been relying on our insights for a more productive, safe and sustainable working day.

So, in 2024 we’ll be celebrating. There’ll be big events, exciting announcements and some surprises coming throughout the year – and we’d love you to be there for all of it. First, though, we want to take a look back. Join us as we reflect on the 25 years of growth, innovation and evolution that has brought Webfleet to this milestone.

At the forefront of innovation



Our story begins



Fleet managers and drivers get closer



Leading the first wave of track and trace



Europe’s number one



Drivers get connected


Sørg for, at alle køretøjer er ordentligt vedli­ge­holdt


Vehicle data for fuel optimisation, eco-driving and driver coaching



Next generation fleet management



Webfleet and Bridgestone connect



The EV journey begins



New capabilities from new technologies



The Bridgestone E8 Commitment

Today, tomorrow and beyond

Today, tomorrow and beyond

Solutions for a changing landscape

What a journey it’s been so far! And what a thrilling future ahead. Thank you to all the businesses, fleet managers and drivers that have trusted Webfleet to help them get the job done since 1999! We are honoured to be part of your business’ journey and we are grateful that you have been part of ours.

Though the technology, the market and the world have all transformed massively over the last 25 years, at Webfleet we stay true to one core principle: understanding the challenges of fleet businesses and supporting them to overcome those challenges with advanced technology.

Here’s to the next 25 years!

Our stories

The organisation has always been fast-paced, with numerous changes and challenges, but the team has consistently aimed to excel.

Alain Castle, Marketing Manager

I love the continuous evolution of our product portfolio and can't wait to see the impact we can have on our customers as Bridgestone Mobility Solutions!

Jonny Clarke, Strategic Manager Sales

Every day, I work with a fantastic team, building great products and solutions and delivering true value to our customers.

Jan-Maarten de Vries, President Fleet Management Solutions

Webfleet has been my professional home, because I have been growing here. I’m so enthusiastic to see how this company is going to continue creating changes in the telematics industry.

Jessica Brenda Agapito, Associate Team Lead

I am proud to be part of a company that fosters a diverse and innovative environment, making us stronger together.

Raghunath Banerjee, VP Data Solutions & Innovations

I have learned so much and grown each year in this role.

Linda Dean, Sr. Sales Support

Our stories

The organisation has always been fast-paced, with numerous changes and challenges, but the team has consistently aimed to excel.

Alain Castle, Marketing Manager

I love the continuous evolution of our product portfolio and can't wait to see the impact we can have on our customers as Bridgestone Mobility Solutions!

Jonny Clarke, Strategic Manager Sales

Every day, I work with a fantastic team, building great products and solutions and delivering true value to our customers.

Jan-Maarten de Vries, President Fleet Management Solutions

Webfleet has been my professional home, because I have been growing here. I’m so enthusiastic to see how this company is going to continue creating changes in the telematics industry.

Jessica Brenda Agapito, Associate Team Lead

I am proud to be part of a company that fosters a diverse and innovative environment, making us stronger together.

Raghunath Banerjee, VP Data Solutions & Innovations

I have learned so much and grown each year in this role.

Linda Dean, Sr. Sales Support

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