COVID-19 Update

Our Customer Support team is open as usual and ready to help you.

In this time of widespread concern regarding the COVID-19 virus and its impact across the globe, our utmost priority remains the well-being and safety of our employees and their families, but equally important to us, is to continue serving our customers, the best way possible.

Our business

In many countries restrictive measures are being taken towards mobility in the regions. Also, limitations to our partners’ and suppliers’ travel freedom of staff combined with schools closing, generates incon­ve­ni­ences to our businesses.

Many of our customers play an essential role in managing the current crisis. These include medical supply and healthcare services, fire brigades, utility companies, supply chain to super­markets and home delivery services. It is of importance to support these businesses so they can continue to execute their respon­si­bi­lities.

We are able to deliver all services to our customers. However, given the special circum­stances, it could be that delays occur in some regions, with respect to the planning of instal­la­tions.

We would like to provide you with the following operational updates

Support via certi­fi­cerede partnere |  Technical customer support |  Platform / Data center services |  Mobile network |  Hardware |  Logistics |  Instal­lation services

Support via certi­fi­cerede partnere

Mange af vores kunder vælger at samarbejde med en af vores certi­fi­cerede partnere. De leverer profes­sio­nelle tjenester, rådgivning, It-support og andre ekstra tjenester til kunder. De fungerer også som første kontakt til kunder. Vi har kontaktet vores certi­fi­cerede partnere i regionen – så vi har sikret os, at de fortsætter deres tjenester.

Hvis din certi­fi­cerede partners aktiviteter er begrænset af uforudsete grunde, kan du kontakte vores kundesup­portteam direkte.

technical support

Technical customer support

Our technical customer support is managed from our different locations globally – and most of our teams are currently working from home, where they continue to have access to the needed systems. Our operating hours remain the same as usual and we do not expect inter­rup­tions to our normal service levels. You can reach us at: +45 (0) 352 583 63. We are here to support you from Monday to Friday, from 8.30 – 5.30pm.

Platform / Data center services

Our platforms are being managed from Leipzig, Germany. We run our services in an active/active setup in two data centers ensuring maximum reliability for the services we provide. Both of our two data centers as well as our IT platform operations are managed in compliance with the ISO 27001 standard, not only considering information security in the digital world but also business continuity for unforeseen events. We have reviewed the situation with our two data center suppliers, and all uptime is guaranteed at the same service levels as before. Also, our IT team as well as the teams of our providers continue operations remotely.

data center
mobile data network

Mobile network

Our Telematics devices and Driver Terminals are equipped with a SIM card from mobile operators. We have contacted our suppliers and they all guaranteed the same service levels as before.


Most of our key hardware, LINK boxes and PRO Driver Terminals are produced in China. Due to the crisis, we have had some delays, we have proficient stock, while production in China is back up to speed. Therefore, we do not expect significant delays in orders.

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Our warehouse services, for hardware shipments as well as return logistics are secured by our suppliers. No delays are expected as the EU still guarantees the conti­nu­ation of cross border goods exchange. With regards to cross border logistics, some countries are facing issues with shipments, however we are shipping directly to customers.

Instal­lation services

Some of our Instal­lation Partners work with reduced capacity, due to diminishing demand from their customers. In our key regions we work with multiple partners, therefore have multiple options to still provide the needed instal­lation services and do not expect substantial delays. We will provide priority to those businesses that are crucial to manage the current COVID-19 crisis.

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While these may be challenging times, we want to assure you that we do everything that you can expect from an inter­na­tional telematics partner to execute our processes in the best way possible to ensure the best service levels. We do appreciate your under­standing that under the current circum­stances, unexpected events could change service levels, which will be dealt with in the best way possible.

We will monitor the situation closely and will keep you notified in case anything will change over the coming days.

Hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte vores team og/eller din certi­fi­cerede partner.

Last updated: 24 March

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