Mobility 2032: Are you ready?

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Mobility 2032: Are you ready?

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Commercial mobility has changed massively in the last ten years. In the coming ten years it will change beyond recognition. How ready is your business?

Webfleet Mobility Conference is our annual expert platform for decision-makers in fleet management. With valuable insights, exciting discussions and incisive trend analysis from experts from across the mobility landscape, it will equip you with the deep knowledge you need to design your fleet of tomorrow.

Key learnings

  • Urban mobility in smart cities: What will it look like in ten years time? And what do you need to do to get ready?
  • EVs come of age: Take a deep dive into a truly ground-bre­aking example of sustainable mobility technology
  • The truck of the future: The innovations driving a seismic change for trucking
  • Connectivity and partnerships: The key that will unlock the full potential of mobility solutions


Jan-Maarten de Vries

CEO Bridgestone Mobility Solutions

Taco van der Leij

Vice President Webfleet Europe

Sten Rauch

CEO of Merce­des-Benz Connectivity Services GmbH

Greg Lindsay

Futurist, urbanist, author and journalist

Alexej Schmidt

Global Partnerships Manager EasyPark Group

Fraser Crichton

Corporate Fleet Manager at Dundee City Council

Michael Miller

Executive Vice President of Global Network project44

Andy Eastlake

Chief Executive Officer at Zemo Partnership

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10 mins

Welcome to the Webfleet Global Mobility Conference

Opening speech from Jan-Maarten de Vries, CEO - Bridgestone Mobility Solutions

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5 mins

Welcome by Taco van der Leij

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30 mins

Where the Robot Meets the Road

Greg Lindsay - futurist, urbanist, author and journalist

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15 mins

Using data in establishing a road safety index

Raghunath Banerjee - Bridgestone Mobility Solutions

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15 mins

Leading the charge - building infra­structure for a EV world

Fraser Crichton - Corporate Fleet Manager at Dundee City Council

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30 mins

HGVs and the road to net zero

Andy Eastlake - Zemo

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30 mins

The truck of the future

Carla Detrieux, Director of Business Development, Volta Trucks

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15 mins

Moving to pro-active and integrated tyre solutions?

Steven Janssens, Sales Director for Truck & Bus Fleet Solutions and Original Equipment, Bridgestone

Tom Vander­s­missen, Director of Advanced Tyre Solutions, Bridgestone Mobility Solutions

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30 mins

Zapping up

Zap-Map - Melanie Shuffle­botham

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15 mins

Using advanced camera AI in transi­tioning to a FNOR strategy


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45 mins

Partnerships: The key that can unlock the full potential of mobility solutions

Merce­des-Benz Connectivity Services GmbH

Sten Rauch, CEO of Merce­des-Benz Connectivity Services GmbH

Project 44

Michael Miller, Executive Vice President of Global Network project44


Alexej Schmidt, Global Partnerships Manager, EasyPark Group

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30 mins

Offsetting your carbon emissions with Green your fleet

Wessel Koning, Director Business Development & Partnerships at Justdiggit and Selma Loor, Customer Experience & Sustai­na­bility at Webfleet

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