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TomTom WORK qualifies for UEFA European Under-21 Championship

Amsterdam, June 7 2007: TomTom WORK, the business-to-business division of TomTom, the world's largest portable navigation solutions provider is equipping dozens of UEFA vehicles with a TomTom WORK connected navigation solution, during UEFA's European Under-21 Championship. The connected navigation solution makes use of the new TomTom GO 715 with GPRS-modem and SIM card and is in direct contact with the organisation's central point of co-ordination, to guarantee the logistics during the event run as professionally, efficiently and easily as possible.

In total, 70 vehicles and 120 drivers will be available to take care of transportation of goods and officials to and from airports, hotels and stadiums during the tournament. Using the TomTom WORK solution, deliveries can easily be planned and orders can be sent directly to the drivers from one central co-ordination point.

In addition, all official vehicles are connected to the WEBFLEET application, the web-based application for vehicle management and communication. WEBFLEET allows the organisers to constantly monitor the locations of vehicles and directly communicate with the drivers of the vehicles in one glance from one single screen.

Meeting the needs of UEFA, a number of extra software features have been developed especially for the event. Drivers of the official vehicles will be able to easily provide organisers with details of fuel stops or medical emergencies via pre-programmed messages on the TomTom WORK solution at all times.

The transport of people and goods during this event needs to be of the highest quality possible, says Erwin Somers, manager logistics and transportation, UEFA. By installing the TomTom solutions in all of our vehicles, we have a full overview of their locations and status in one easy-to-use application in one glance. TomTom WORK is the ideal solution for us and it's exactly what we were looking for.

The European Under-21 Championship is being organized by UEFA and takes place from June 10 to 23 in four cities in The Netherlands: Leeuwarden, Heerenveen, Arnhem en Nijmegen.


TomTom WORK is a subsidiary division of TomTom and provides tracking, tracing and fleet management solutions combined with navigation and communication products and services to the business to business market. TomTom WORK was created in March 2006 following the acquisition of datafactory, a leading IT specialist in system components and complete solutions for vehicle and personal location, fleet management and telematics. The extensive TomTom WORK portfolio provides owners of fleets of any size a choice in what solutions best fits with their company.

The new TomTom GO 715 features TomTom's award winning software, precise door-to-door navigation across Europe and a built-in GPRS modem and SIM card for out-of-the box connected navigation services. The built-in GPRS modem and SIM card of the TomTom GO 715 ensure that users can send messages and location information between vehicles on the road and the WEBFLEET application more easily than ever before. Additionally, drivers have continuous and ultra-fast access to TomTom's most up-to-date traffic information.


Dana Schmidt

Regional Marketing Manager DACH


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