What is VMRS?

The Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards, also known as VMRS, is a universal coding system used to obtain, assort and communicate fleet information. In short, VMRS can be defined as the universal language for fleet maintenance.

VMRS supports uniform commu­nic­ation between fleets, OEMs (original equipment manufac­turers), computers, industry suppliers and the personnel that purchase, operate and maintain equipment.

Definition of Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards codes

Definition of Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards codes

VMRS codes are alpha­nu­meric ciphers that help you to sort maintenance data in a very structured way. As of today, there are 64 different categories called “code keys”.

These codes will help you identify what type of vehicle is being worked on, the vehicle’s manufac­turer and what sort of work is being done. Some of the most commonly used categories are:

History of the VMRS convention

History of the VMRS convention

In 1969, the American Trucking Association (ATA) developed the Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards to help fleet profes­sionals identify and communicate about maintenance issues.

During the 70s and 80s, the VMRS went global and continued growing at the same pace as the industry. The more information that was needed regarding vehicle maintenance, the larger and more compre­hensive the Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards became. At that time, however, VMRS codes were recorded manually on paper.

In the 90s, as computers increas­ingly became a part of our daily lives, the true flexibility and power of the VMRS system became apparent. This simple, numerical coding system, which made it easy to understand potentially complex information, fit perfectly into the mass digit­isation of the era.

Legal obligations of Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards

Legal obligations of Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards

To help ensure the integrity and utility of the VMRS system, ATA has announced four levels of licensing agreements with the use of VMRS 2000™:

  • Single user: Entitles used on a single computer workstation.
  • Enterprise: Entitles the licensee to make copies of materials to be used by multiple users within the enterprise.
  • Developer: Licensee may distribute copies of the materials as a part of another product.
  • Mass distri­bution: Entitles a distributor to reproduce and distribute a number of copies of the materials from single-user and enterprise in return for a fixed fee.
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Note that if you are currently using fleet management software like Webfleet, you probably already have VMRS working for your organ­isation. Get in contact with one of our experts for more information.

Additionally, there are nine imple­ment­ation require­ments for your system to be able to share data with VMRS databases and other users. These are:

1. Use the VMRS Vehicle Master Record

2. Identify the Equipment Vocation -code key 1

3. Segregate costs by Reason for Repair -code key 14

4. Identify work performed using VMRS Coding -code key 15

5. Identify systems using the 3-digit VMRS System Code -code key 31

6. Identify assemblies using the 3-digit VMRS Assembly Code -code key 32

7. Identify individual parts using the 3-digit VMRS Component Code -code key 33

8. Identify part/vehicle manufac­turers, suppliers or brands using their DUNS # -code key 34

9. Be capable of recording VMRS Technician Part Failure Codes -code key 18

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