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Fleet management for electric vehicles

Webfleet electric vehicle fleet management software gives you the tools you need to manage your EVs.

  • Track your EVs in real time
  • Monitor battery levels and charging status
  • Find the closest EV charging points
  • Optimise your workflow
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Fleet management for electric vehicles

Webfleet electric vehicle fleet management software gives you the tools you need to manage your EVs.

  • Track your EVs in real time
  • Monitor battery levels and charging status
  • Find the closest EV charging points
  • Optimise your workflow
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Webfleet helps you

Know which vehicles to switch

Spot the best vehicles to switch over to electric, based on mileage, efficiency and TCO

Have it all in one place

Monitor and manage your ICE and EV fleets on one convenient dashboard

Information at your fingertips

Track range, energy consumption, charging status and more with just a click

Understand the drivers element

Measure exactly how driver behaviour and other factors influence your fleet's economy and expenses

Craft a more efficient charging strategy

Lower costs, increase productivity and make a better ROI by optimising charging choices

Get expert advice tailored to your fleet

Let our EV experts help you implement the best solutions for your own electric fleet

Where are you in your journey to electri­fic­ation?

Key features for customers willing to add EVs to their fleet

Monitor fuel usage and carbon emission

Monitor real-time fuel consumption and emissions respons­ib­ility with our fuel efficiency dashboard and use those insights to spot the best places to begin decarbonising your fleet. Whether your fleet consists of passenger cars, LCVs or anything else, our LINK on-board devices can connect everything to Webfleet and make all your data easily available.

Monitor fuel usage and carbon emission
fleet electri­fic­ation planning report

Get your fleet electri­fic­ation report now

Thinking about adding electric vehicles to your fleet but not sure where to start? Our fleet electri­fic­ation planning report will evaluate your current fleet and recommend which vehicles could be replaced with an electric model.

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What is it?

The fleet electri­fic­ation planning report helps you identify which vehicles in your fleet could be replaced with an electric model, based on your average daily run and other telematics data.

How does it work?

The report runs a deep analysis on your fleet mileage and compares it to the expected maximum daily distance relevant to your business. If a vehicle currently runs safely within this distance, you'll get a recom­mend­ation to replace it with an EV. You want to also include additional information such as road types and standstill time to help refine your decision.


If you want to add EVs to your fleet and would like to build a business case, the report helps you to:

  • Easily see which vehicles could be replaced with an EV
  • Calculate the potential savings in fuel expenses
  • Calculate the potential savings in CO2 emissions

Talk to our EV experts

Whether you would like to know more about calculating your current fleet's TCO, comparing that to the advantages and disadvantages of an EV or hybrid fleet, or want to know exactly where to start the transition, our experts are keen to help.

EV fleet management

Key features for customers that have EVs in their fleet

Manage all vehicles in one platform

Have more than one type of vehicle in your fleet? No problem! Webfleet lets you monitor electric, hybrid and ICE vehicles on the same dashboard and compare them in meaningful ways.

Map showing the location of EVs
Dashboard showing EV charging levels

Real-time battery level

Stop worrying about running dry. Webfleet can track the battery levels and ranges of all of your electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, displaying current power levels and driving range remaining.

Visualise energy consumption on map

Drill down to any trip to see the actual and predicted power consumption for each part of the journey, colour coded for understanding at a glance. It can even help you spot areas which need special attention and the added efficiencies of your best drivers.

monitor energy consumption on the map
optidrive dashboard

Improve driving behaviour

Our OptiDrive 360 tool is one of the best in the industry for fostering continuous driver improvement. For electric vehicles it can help train your drivers to improve EV performance.

OptiDrive 360 helps you monitor drivers keeping a constant speed which helps optimise energy consumption and coasting, which contributes to regenerative braking.

OptiDrive 360 helps you compare, evaluate and coach your drivers.

Optimise your workforce planning

Webfleet displays available charging stations clearly on the map, making it easier than ever to be sure that the EVs you dispatch have plenty of battery charge to make a journey and return.

map showing available nearby charging stations

Why Webfleet?

More than60,000customers
Over25 yearsof experience
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What our EV customers have to say

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The published ranges of EVs can be lower in the real world due to load, temperature, terrain and driving behaviour. With Webfleet reporting, we get daily real-world mileages for ICE and electric vehicles, plus criteria like road types and standstill times. We can see a vehicles' true EV potential, TCO and emissions savings.
Owain Pearce, Oxford Direct Services
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With Webfleet, we use telematics data to understand average/longest daily journeys, vehicle dwell times and more. That's key to identifying the best electric vehicle for our usage and helps us optimise the size and number of chargers for our fleet.
OVO energy


EV awards

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