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2021 Fleet Goals

Fleet operators are constantly coping with change. The ups and downs from 2020 will likely have a lingering effect on the Australian fleet industry, setting businesses up for a whole suite of challenges, as well as opportunities.

To help ensure you’re ready for what is yet to come, we have put together our top fleet management recommendations, to help you drive your business to a promising future.

A people-first approach

People are what drive businesses forward. Putting your customers, clients and employees at the centre of what you do remains key to building a stimulated and powerful operating system that continuously generates exceptional business results.

Businesses should start looking for innovative implementations to build better employee wellness and customer loyalty. Start by asking yourself these questions – are my fleet management tools fit-for-purpose and working well for everyone? Are my drivers adhering to safe and ethical driving protocols? In the event of a health crisis, how could I repurpose existing telematics technology to build a safety net for my drivers while keeping customers happy? These discussions could significantly influence the perception of your brand and the direction in which your business progresses.

Better asset tracking

From trailers and portable pumps to frac tanks and waste skips, non-vehicle assets are often essential elements to any business and require just as much care as the rest of your fleet. Assets could be powered or non-powered, mobile or fixed, therefore bearing a greater risk of misplacement and unauthorised use.

Telematics assets management has evolved over the years, enabling fleet operators to accurately locate an asset, detect theft in real-time and get a 360-degree view of how an asset’s being used. The benefits also cascade to maintenance management, book-keeping and rental billing. In 2021, asset tracking should be a key element of an overall fleet management plan.

‘Green’ your fleet

As we move beyond the Pandemic, it’s likely more and more Aussies across the country will return to their office and embark on their usual daily commute, reverting traffic, fuel and vehicle maintenance costs to near pre-pandemic levels. For fleet companies, the ideal situation is to reinvigorate business activity while embracing sustainability approaches, and there is no better way than going ‘green’ with your fleet.

Eco-driving is an intelligent method to help reduce fuel usage and fuel costs. Through a reliable digitised system, businesses can monitor fuel consumption on every vehicle trip and receive alerts when a vehicle shows signs of malfunction. Businesses can also look to upgrade their ‘hardware’ by investing in electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, which have seen sales numbers rocket in the last few years. Electric and hybrid vehicles unlock a full suite of advantages, such as creating less noise, fumes and vibrations, and reducing your carbon footprint.

Conduct a health ‘cheque’

Lifecycle management involves accounting for a vehicle’s total operating costs, including acquisition, fuel, insurance, routine maintenance, inventory, repair and replacements. In the past 12 months of COVID-19, fleet and transportation industries have been pummelled by heightened workloads. Both old and new vehicles were more prone to overuse, causing underlying operating costs to easily build up over time and soar to unattainable territory.

As Australia slowly recovers from the crisis, businesses should start seeking effective strategies to combat the predicament of managing operating costs while delivering high-quality customer service. It may take a while until fleet businesses firm their roots in the next normal, yet those who manage new practices well will not only stay ahead of the game but also remain competitive in the market.

Looking for innovative ways to help you with planning? Make sure to check out our library of guides and whitepapers for insightful knowledge.

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