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The Green Imperative

When it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Australia is falling behind. Data from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) shows that in 2020, only one third of local car manufacturers met the national CO2 standards.

Along with the automotive industry’s slow adoption of new ecocentric technologies, this is the perfect storm impacting fleet businesses who want to drive the green conversation.

On this topic, Webfleet Sales Director Chris Chisman-Duffy engaged with leading electric vehicle publication EV Talk to discuss initiatives that businesses can take themselves. 

From improving driver behaviours and introducing new technologies, through to working with like-minded partners, Chris shares his insight to help create a greener future for the fleet industry in Australia, below.

Driver behaviour and the way in which fleet vehicles are driven play a vital role in how much fuel is used and therefore the amount of CO2 emitted. Companies should look to telematics software, which provides real-time feedback and analysis of driving styles, to help businesses monitor the driving behaviours of their employees. This will benefit companies as it will help better overall driving and lower fuel costs.

New technologies are bringing many profound benefits that reduce the environmental impact of businesses and help them to conduct themselves responsibly. 

“They will help reduce maintenance costs, lower noise pollution and improve the overall driving experience for individuals,” says Chris. Ultimately, taking a further step to help accelerate a greener future.  

Now more than ever, people want to connect with organisations that provide a ‘social value proposition’.

“Fleet companies who introduce green-led initiatives can help demonstrate an ethical and forward thinking business that is looking to make a positive impact on climate change”. This may help companies work together to amplify the green effect. 

Ultimately, these driving solutions are suggested by Chris to help fleet companies create a sustainable future for everyone. For more information, read Chris’ full article on EV Talk.

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