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Fleet management is data management

Data management is key to ensuring full transparency and control over a business’s fleets. In the age of the Internet of Things, adopting a data-driven approach and building data-oriented culture greatly determines a business’s competitiveness and success.

Data helps to improve driver performance and fuel efficiency

Businesses can use telematics data to have an overarching view of employees’ driving performance, then provide direct feedback and predictive driving advice. As employee driving behaviour improves overtime, this directly translates into better vehicle condition, efficient fuel usage and decreased carbon emission.

Data helps to safeguard drivers on the road

Data can play a bigger role in strengthening a business’s safety culture. Businesses can look to solutions like the Webfleet Video, which combines driving data and dashcam footage to help pick up risky driving behaviours, send AI-triggered alerts and offer full visibility in the event of a road accident.

Data helps with asset tracking and management

Looking after powered assets can be a tiring process, but the right technology and data can help to alleviate that burden. Asset tracking technologies allow businesses to monitor, audit and manage assets all from a single interface. Whether an asset is in need of maintenance or leaving a designated area without authorisation, businesses can get hands on this data and action in a timely manner.

Data can be integrated to deliver holistic solutions

Different fields of data can be integrated to amplify user benefits. As a Bridgestone Company, Webfleet is now offering a full mobility solution by combining fields of expertise in telematics and tyre management. This means that by using telematics data generated from Webfleet, fleet operators can now gain insights into a vehicle’s tyre conditions and requirements.

Keen to understand more about how data can help your business? Read our full article in Australasian Fleet Management Association, below.

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