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Setting effective milestones and how vehicle telematics can help

Regulations, advances in technology and competition are driving change in fleet management. In this fast-moving sector, fleet managers must carefully strategize to stay ahead of the competition and on course to meet their goals. One hugely helpful tool for aiding success are strategic milestones and vehicle telematics solutions can be key in setting them.

This brief article looks at:

  • Why setting milestones is important
  • An example of a set of fleet management milestones
  • How vehicle telematics technology helps

Why setting milestones is important

Milestones help you achieve and exceed your fleet management goals. They do this by detailing each specific step necessary for success and how to carry out the requisite action. Many companies often follow vague strategies that lack direction. Milestones give your strategy structure, guiding you towards your goal.

Effective fleet management milestones example

You might have your own unique milestones in mind. They can depend on your organization’s goals, resources and fleet, and identified problem areas. Here is an example of what a typical set of milestones might look like:

  • Milestone one Increase number of drivers by 2% by end of Q1
  • Milestone two Reduce driving events and instances of speeding by 10% by April
  • Milestone three Reduce fuel costs by 2% by May
  • Milestone four Increase average ETA accuracy by 3% by June
  • Milestone five Increase jobs completed by 3% by end of Q3

Keep in mind the sequence. Increasing the number of drivers comes before improving driver behaviour across the entire fleet, which in turns leads to increasing the number of jobs completed. In other words, as increasing the size of the workforce is essential to increasing productivity, the first milestone should be reached before you expect to reach the second. This is a journey – not a collection of separate goals you’re chasing all at one time.


How fleet management technology accelerates your milestone strategy

Vehicle telematics solutions can help you to reach your milestones and drive down costs across the board. Webfleet from TomTom Telematics allows you to create customizable reports on individual KPIs. You’ll then receive regular updates on all the metrics you need to check if you are on course to reach your milestones and hit your goals by the set date.

With all the important figures available in simple, clear graphs and charts, you have everything at your fingertips to monitor your progress across the next 12 months.

The final word

Milestone implementation can be decisive in achieving a fleet manager’s goals. The modern complexities of overseeing a fleet, however, make it difficult. This is where technology can help your company. Forward-thinking fleet managers are increasingly adopting vehicle telematics software. This helps them to set and monitor their milestones more easily. In turn, this leads to incrementally improved results and overall goal achievement.

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