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Webfleet showcases the power of AI technology in fostering safer drivers

Driving is a different experience for everyone. Some are well familiar with the feeling of running a vehicle, while others find it daunting having to navigate through multifarious road rules. Whatever the experience may be, getting behind the wheel is no small task, and we can always expect room for improvement, especially in a period of growing traffic and heightened discourse on road safety.

Having an additional pair of eyes in the vehicle can take a driver’s skills from good to great, and great to exceptional. For commercial drivers, it could even mean the difference between poor customer ratings and new business opportunities.

Introducing the Webfleet Driving School

Technology is the key to achieving this. In saying so, Webfleet has partnered with leading driving school Let’s Go Drive Sydney to launch the Webfleet Driving School, piloting a high-tech vehicle that uses pioneering enterprise telematics technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to foster safe driving.

The Webfleet Driving School combines world-leading vehicle telematics technology with traditional driving lessons to offer a new advanced experience for learner drivers, helping them to develop a greater understanding of safe driving and optimise their overall driving performance.  

Advanced technology as your safety companion  

The vehicle is like no other, with pre-installed technology capturing precise detail of any dangerous driving behaviours that occur during the lesson, such as speeding around a corner,  harsh braking or oversteering to avoid an overlooked hazard.

With every booking, a free post-lesson performance report and virtual consultation will be provided by Webfleet specialists to discuss the drivers individual performance scorecard, review any moments of dangerous or unlawful driving with video footage, to highlight areas for improvement.

A unique experience for drivers at all levels

Webfleet’s Sales Director, Christopher Chisman-Duffy says, “This type of technology is typically used among commercial fleet operators. But our vision is to create safer roads through innovation so we’re taking a grass-roots approach and making it accessible to learners. Learning to drive is an essential life skill for many Australians and the advanced Webfleet technology gives learners a  rare opportunity to review their driving behaviours to adjust technique accordingly and ultimately become safer and more efficient drivers.” 

Combining dashcam footage with driving data,  the Webfleet technology enables drivers and instructors to get the full context of any road incidents in real time. The product uses artificial intelligence technology to identify risky road behaviours and critical events, send visual and audio alerts to drivers and instructors during lessons, and capture live footage to review.

“The Webfleet Driving School will add technological advancements to driving lessons that’s never been done before, so drivers can develop a better understanding of speed management and safe following distances, as well as encourage increased hazard awareness to help stop any dangerous driving behaviours from the on-set,” added Chisman-Duffy.

Webfleet has partnered with one of Sydney’s leading Driving Instructors, Albert Belleli from Let’s Go Drive Sydney to pilot the experience.

“Having been an instructor for many years, I’m constantly looking for new and exciting ways to offer the best lessons possible,” said Albert. “Driving lessons and tests haven’t really changed much in the past 100 years so the introduction of technology such as this could be a major step forward. Ultimately it’s about ensuring the safety of the motorist and those around them. This technology will help ensure accurate and detailed analysis of driver behaviour, which can only be a good thing.”

Find out more about the Webfleet Driving School at


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