What is GPS Vehicle Tracking?

GPS Vehicle Tracking refers to the use of a device with Global Positioning System (GPS) technology that captures a vehicle’s location and other information. GPS is a satel­lite-based radio navigation system that consists of up to 32 space satellites. GPS Vehicle Tracking uses positioning, navigation and timing to determine the accurate location of every vehicle in your fleet. There are active and passive GPS tracking devices.

The benefits of gps vehicle tracking for your business

GPS vehicle tracking Webfleet

The benefits of gps vehicle tracking for your business

Effective commu­nic­ation - GPS Tracking enables two-way commu­nic­ation between the fleet operator and driver despite their physical distance, allowing you to reach your drivers in real time

Driver safety - Safety is always a top-of-mind concern. GPS Vehicle Tracking allows you to identify problems drivers encounter on the road ahead of time, delivering real-time alerts and reducing the risk of unsafe driving

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Scalable solution - Regardless of the size of your business, GPS Vehicle Tracking can collect and convert your vehicle’s information into a custom­isable report. This helps to reduce fuel usage, support driver improve­ments, increase the visibility of your vehicle data and ultimately optimise overall fleet performance

Software-based solution - As a Software-as-a-Service platform, GPS Vehicle Tracking can be accessed on a number of devices and operating systems. Manage your fleet from a smartphone, tablet or desktop depending on the circum­stance

Resource optim­isation - GPS Vehicle Tracking collects a whole suite of data ranging from real-time vehicle and asset location, employee driving habits to route planning and fuel usage

Completes your fleet management solution - GPS Vehicle Tracking completes your fleet management solution. From the best maps and real-time view of vehicle locations and live traffic to route planning, person­al­isation, dashboards and third-party integration for easy viewing and reporting

Better use of resources - Working with a complete fleet management solution allows for full resource optim­isation, from speed detection to route planning and fuel monitoring.

Why is gps vehicle tracking so important for companies?

GPS vehicle tracking australia Webfleet

Why is gps vehicle tracking so important for companies?

GPS vehicle tracking is important for companies to be able to monitor a fleet of vehicles out on the road and be able to manage resources more effectively. This can help to prevent delays or notify customers of a late delivery or service, to ensure the most accurate information is provided to the customer.

Get in touch with one of our experts today or take a look at how Webfleet Vehicle Tracking software can help you to keep track of your vehicles out on the road.

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