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3 steps to better passenger transport management

Running a tour operator or coach company is hard work. You need to ensure your passengers arrive safe and happy, your vehicles stay in good condition, your costs stay under control and you comply with all relevant regulations. It all comes down to efficient, effective passenger transport management.

This guide breaks down 3 steps to better passenger transport management and offers some great, free tools that can help you along the way.

Take care of your vehicles

Your buses and coaches are the most important asset you have. Keeping them in peak condition is, therefore, essential. When passengers get on board, they expect a clean interior. They expect comfortable seats. They expect seat belts that work, air conditioning on hot days and functioning amenities. And they don’t expect the bus to breakdown on the motorway midway through the trip.

To maintain standards, it’s wise to have drivers do a quick though thorough check after each service. But how do you ensure all drivers are checking the same things with the same level of attention to detail day in and day out?

Webfleet’ free Passenger Transport Toolkit comes with a post-service vehicle checklist. Giving your drivers this simple, one-page form to fill out every time they complete a service makes sure that the vehicle is left in perfect order for the next trip. As well as standardising the checks on everything from mechanical problems to vehicle cleanliness, it creates a record of any issues your vehicles might have as they occur.

Make your progress measurable

Once you are happy that your vehicles are being used correctly, it’s time to think about your company. Obviously, you want to run a profitable business but what goals have you set to ensure you do so?

Do you want to cover more kilometres this year or drive more routes? Perhaps you want to lower the number of penalties your drivers receive or the number of incidents that occur during trips.

Regardless of what key performance indicators (KPIs) you set for your bus and coach fleet, it’s crucial that you have a method in place to measure them.

Webfleet’ free Passenger Transport Toolkit comes with a Fleet KPI Calculator. This simple, slick excel template tracks your progress towards your fleet KPIs. It quickly calculates increases or decreases in distance travelled, routes travelled, incidents on the road, fines and other crucial areas across time. In minutes, you get a clear picture of how you’re doing and where improvements can be made.

Keep improving

Using our free toolkit will help you keep your vehicles in working order and your fleet on track to meet its KPIs. As your business moves forward, however, you’ll want to keep improving. Ready to take the next step? Then you should start thinking about what digitisation can do for your passenger transport management.

WEBFLEET fleet management solution, takes things to a whole new level of productivity and efficiency. This cloud-based platform gives you complete control over your fleet data, from driver behaviour to mileage, fuel usage and more,  helping you to run a reliable, rapid service, control fuel and maintenance costs and comply with regulations. To find out more about Webfleet, get in touch with one of our passenger transport management experts.

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