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Test your knowledge on fuel economy. Take our quiz

Check your knowledge on factors impacting on fuel economy with our quiz.

Keeping your fleet running at maximum efficiency is probably the most critical KPI for the modern fleet manager.

We all know that the generally quoted optimum driving speed for car fuel economy is 55/56mph, but this presents a very over simplified version of the truth. Fuel economy is dependent on a number of different factors including tyre pressure, weight, aerodynamics and driving style.

Do you know the big difference that small adjustments can make?

Take our quick quiz to find out. Answer just six questions and see how your knowledge ranks against your peers on our quiz leaderboard!*

We also have a large library of guides on how to improve fleet efficiency which you might find useful.

Top fuel saving tips for business: All our experience working for 40,000+ business clients in one white paper

Cut cost and boost safety by improving driver behaviour: Insightful research revealing what drivers really think about life behind the wheel

How to reduce the cost of running your vehicles: A best-practice guide on controlling running costs

Maximising ROI on fleet management: How to tailor fleet management technology to maximise your return on investment

*The highest scores will be determined by the number of correct answers and the time taken to complete the quiz.

Leaderboard for Fleet efficiency quiz

  1. christian gironi-100%
  2. -80%
  3. -80%
  4. -80%
  5. -80%

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