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The volatility of fuel prices and why fuel monitoring is key for truck companies

Accurate fuel monitoring is one of the best ways for transport companies to cut costs. So, what’s the best way to get complete visibility over your fuel usage? This blog takes a look.

The fuel problem for transport companies

Given that the transport sector relies on oil for 94% of its fuel, it’s not surprising to see that oil costs are a constant source of frustration in the industry. In PriceWaterhouseCoopers research, 75% of transport CEOs cited price swings in the cost of oil as one of their biggest operational concerns.

Then there is the green issue. With the European Union seeking to reduce harmful emissions by around 66% by 2050, there’s continuous pressure upon the sector to control its carbon footprint. So, how are transport companies tackling this issue?

In a recent survey, we spoke to 1,200 decision makers at transport companies across the EU about how they deal with the issue of fuel and got some revealing insights.


Monitoring mileage 49%

Training 38%

Other way/don’t know 13%


Telematics 15%

Fuel cards 39%

Fuel cards and telematics 33%

Other way/don’t know 13%

While fuel cards are still relied upon by most transport companies for fuel monitoring, a fairly sizeable number combine fuel cards with telematics to maintain fuel efficiency.

The benefits of digital fuel monitoring

The Webfleet fleet management solution utilises telematics to give you clear visibility over how your drivers are performing on the road. It also offers both real-time and historical insight into your fleet’s fuel consumption and emissions. You can spot certain behaviours that are causing fuel to be used inefficiently and take steps to improve your drivers’ performances.

Then, you can track how they improve and become more fuel efficient over time.

Want to find out more about fuel monitoring from Webfleet? Then get in touch with one of our team.

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