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Experts offer guidance on improving fleet safety

Click here to download your free risk guide

Managing risk and improving fleet safety is one of the biggest challenges faced by modern fleet operators.

More than 24,000 people were killed or seriously injured on Britain’s roads in the year up to September 2014 and around a third of all accidents are believed to be work-related, highlighting the extent of the current problem.

However, we are better equipped to tackle this problem than ever before. The availability of data – and the technology to make use of that data – is a particularly potent tool for tackling the root causes of road risk.

There is also a willingness among operators to take action but there remains a pressing need for proper guidance, support and advice.

This is where Fleet Data Insight is aiming to make a difference – by bringing together operators, suppliers and thought leaders from the industry to create new best practice guidelines for a bold new age, drawn from the wealth of experience provided by these individuals and organisations.

Founding partners Webfleet, Zurich Insurance, FTA Van Excellence and the Energy Saving Trust will work together with a number of prominent operators – including Skanska, Iron Mountain, Sainsbury’s and Fife Council – to produce a series of free guides advising companies on how best to use data to become safer, more efficient and more profitable.

The members of Fleet Data Insight will also meet twice a year to discuss and create new best practice guidelines around a series of different issues. Membership is open to any operator with an interest in making a difference, while conversation and debate will also be encouraged via Fleet Data Insight’s Twitter account and LinkedIn group.

Risk was the first topic tackled by Fleet Data Insight and the free guide to reducing fleet risk is available for download now. Also, take a look at our visual highlighting the steps necessary for managing fleet risk above.

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