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How Much Time Does Tachograph Compliance Cost Your Business?

Tachographs are essential for ensuring road safety. The regulations surrounding them and the data they produce may be time consuming, but they still remain mandatory in the transport industry -despite research into their usage being limited. Many companies still spend vital man-hours getting to grips with the data, downloading and analysing it without access to any best practice guides. Could you be using your time better?

Webfleet commissioned research into the usage of tachographs among Transport Managers with an O Licence. The eye-opening results have been compiled into a new white paper. Some of the main talking points have been visualised in an infographic. You can download and share both of them.

Here are some of the highlights from the white paper:

  • 13% spend more than three hours a month per vehicle downloading data
  • 28% never analyse tachograph data to help ensure legislative compliance, while another 15% only spend 15-30 minutes analysing the data
  • 46% of transport companies said prosecution due to infringements is a growing concern
  • 20% had a tachograph infringement recorded against them in the last 36 months
  • 15% have missed download deadlines, which could have resulted in financial penalties from VOSA

To find out more about the data and get a best practice tachograph compliance guide that will help negate risks to drivers’ safety and prosecution due to infringements, download and share TomTom’s Tachographs and Drivers’ Hours – a Study into Business Perceptions and Usage here.

You can also download and share our infographic. Just click on the image below:

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