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Six essential planning resources for UK fleet managers

Six essential planning resources for UK fleet managers*

Search the internet for reliable advice to help you manage your fleet and you can be left drowning in a sea of information.

The power of search engines cannot be underestimated – but they can also leave you with your head in a spin if you don’t know exactly what you are looking for.

So to help you navigate your way to some great objective, credible information – whether you’re involved in managing a truck, car or van fleet – our team of specialists have been busy surfing the net, and have compiled helpful resources to put you on track for this year and beyond.

We’ve got lots of useful content, from how to guides to market research studies, in our online content portal – downloads & resource centre – but below we’ve shared with you a selection of other essential fleet planning resources:

Fleet Data Insight

Fleet Data Insight offers best practice advice from a wide range industry thought leaders on how to best use data to manage vehicle fleets.

As a resource, Fleet Data Insight is still relatively young but the evolving community, which includes a number of leading global brands, has already produced comprehensive planning guides to managing risk and driver behaviour. Both guides are free for visitors to download.

SME road safety planning advice


Faced with significant demands on their resources, the management of road safety can be a challenging and costly task for many SMEs.

The SME resource pack from road safety charity Brake can help, providing businesses with a range of practical tools – from driver advice sheets and communication collateral to reports on implementing road risk programmes.

For more from Webfleet on managing road risk, download our white paper.

HMRC: Expenses and benefits¹

The taxable benefits on cars, vans and fuel can be bewildering – but fear not, HMRC offers a comprehensive explanation of everything you need to know.


These two websites, for car and van fleets respectively, provide detailed breakdowns of exemptions, what constitutes private vehicle use, what to report and pay, how to calculate taxable value and other technical guidance.

We have also published our own top tips guide to Benefit in Kind.

Cycle safety toolkit


The onus is on both commercial vehicle drivers and cyclists to minimise the risks of injuries and fatalities on UK roads. With recent initiatives such as London’s Safer Lorry Scheme, efforts to encourage responsible behaviour among fleet operators and their drivers are gathering momentum.

Transport for London, in partnership with Barclays Cycle Superhighways has now developed a toolkit – available on the FORS (Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme) website – which offers practical advice to help commercial fleets reduce the risk of collisions between their vehicles and vulnerable road users.

The kit includes a road safety guide, produced in association with member of TfL’s Cycle Safety Working Group, a company policy template document and guidance for drivers.

Drivers’ hours and tachograph


Concerns abound over tachograph compliance and the risk of prosecution from infringements.

But if you’re looking for guidance, where do you turn? From when you need to use tachographs, where can they be fitted to your legal responsibilities and how as the law changed, The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) explains on the official government website.

The site provides a link to a valuable, in-depth guide – ‘Rules on drivers’ hours and tachographs: goods vehicles in GB and Europe’ – which can be downloaded and it also offers checklists for HGV and PSV drivers.

For eye-opening insights into the usage of tachographs among Transport Managers, see our market research findings.

BVRLA fleet forward planner


Are you aware of the legal and regulatory changes that are on the horizon – and how these may affect how you operate your fleet?

By remaining informed, you can ensure your business is always prepared and that you stay on the right side of the law.

Members of the FTA can access the forthcoming legislation page in Freight magazine via the association’s website – but if you’re not an FTA member, there’s a helpful alternative.

The BVRLA publishes a valuable planning guide – the Fleet Forward Planner – that can be accessed by all.

To note

¹This provides general information to be used for your reference only. Webfleet does not warrant or imply that the use of its products can in itself guarantee compliance with your tax or legal obligations. To ensure compliance with these obligations you should always seek professional advice from a legal counsel or a qualified tax compliance specialist.”

*Disclaimer: The content of this blog post is general and thus not meant as a substitute for legal or risks management advice specifically directed at your business and taking account of the particularities of your situation. Always consult a qualified professional before making decisions about your risk management strategy and/or the compliance of your business with legal obligations.

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