TomTom makes driving safer with Active Driver Feedback

Amsterdam, April 11 2011
TomTom today announces Active Driver Feedback and WEBFLEET OptiDrive ; two new features focused at further increasing TomTom's safety and efficiency benefits for businesses.

Active Driver Feedback promotes safe driving by providing drivers immediate feedback on their driving performance via their TomTom PRO navigation devices. WEBFLEET OptiDrive gives business management an easy tool to help their drivers drive more safely and in a greener way.

We believe that empowering drivers is a key success factor in promoting a safe driving policy said Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director of TomTom Business Solutions. The active feedback functionality truly puts the driver centre stage in the quest by businesses to improve safety and efficiency on the road.

Both new features tackle the issues of fuel efficiency, driving style, idling and speeding.

Active Driver Feedback features include

  • Fuel consumption information displayed in the status bar
  • Driver prompts when speeding, harsh steering and braking, and idling
  • EcoStatistics menu providing the driver with a summary of their performance by trip, day or total

WEBFLEET OptiDrive presents information in clear graphs and reports to fleet managers. The OptiDrive Indicator is a simple bar displaying variables such as speeding, fuel efficiency, idling and driving events. The OptiDrive Indicator can be tailored to the priorities of every business, simply by adjusting the relative weight of the variables.

The new Active Driver Feedback feature and WEBFLEET OptiDrive will become available in Europe during the course of Q2 2011. They are part of the range of WORKsmart fleet management solutions. A subscription to WEBFLEET is required. Functionality differs per chosen hardware selection:

  • Active Driver Feedback requires a TomTom PRO navigation device
  • Idling, steering and braking notifications require a TomTom LINK 300/310 in the vehicle
  • Fuel efficiency notifications require a TomTom ecoPLUS in the vehicle.
  • Speeding notifications are based on the map data on the PRO device

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Anthony Andrew

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