Transport companies to better manage subcontracted work with TomTom PRO 9150 TRUCK

Amsterdam, September 8 2011
TomTom today announces the availability of the TomTom PRO 9150 TRUCK. It combines truck navigation and GPS tracking in one single, portable, device. As the device is can easily be used in multiple vehicles it will enable transport businesses to better manage subcontracted work.

The TomTom PRO 9150 TRUCK routes around known dimensional and weight restrictions, enables two-way messaging and relays vehicle activity information to fleet managers via WEBFLEET, TomTom's online fleet management application.

Operational control can be lost when transport and logistics companies adopt subcontractor models to avoid the burden of fixed overheads – the PRO 9150 TRUCK can now be provided to subcontractors to deliver an extremely versatile solution, said Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director TomTom Business Solutions.

From truck rental companies to businesses that employ the services of freelance drivers, the opportunities for the versatile PRO 9150 TRUCK to improve operational performance are many, added Thomas. The addition of this device complements our proposition for the transport industry and its quest for cost savings and increased fleet efficiency.

The instrument incorporates a 5" fluid touch screen, pan-European mapping, intelligent routing and access to LIVE Services, including HD Traffic, to help drivers avoid congestion.

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