TomTom Business Solutions wins technology award for green innovation

London, May 11, 2011
TomTom Business Solutions has been named winner of the Technology Award at the 2011 Van Fleet World Honours.

The award was presented for its WORKsmart – Eco system, which gives fleet managers the tools to not only promote, but easily monitor eco-friendly driver behaviour and benchmark their fleet for improved efficiency.

The technology also enables employees to improve their own driving performance in real time through indicators on their navigation device, whilst finding the smartest, most fuel-efficient, routes to their destinations.

We have technology that can help us drive more safely while using less fuel that is completely independent of developments from vehicle manufacturers, and practically none of it existed 10 years ago, said Van Fleet World judge, John Kendall.

Now navigation systems can guide us to our destination avoiding congestion, but that is no longer good enough for efficient fleet management. A system that enables and connects advanced navigation, fleet management, driver and vehicle monitoring and is ready to integrate the next developments can deliver significant benefits.

TomTom Business Solutions' systems have made significant advances and the process continues.

The Fleet World Honours are presented annually to those motor manufacturers, service companies and individuals who have, in the opinion of the judges, achieved the highest possible level of excellence in their sector.

WORKsmart – Eco can save fleet businesses upward of 20 percent on fuel by giving them visibility and control required to really effect change, added Giles Margerison, TomTom Business Solutions' Director, UK & Ireland.


The technology includes the ecoPLUS device, which feeds data directly from a vehicle's engine to give managers a real-time view of the fuel efficiency of every fleet vehicle, showing where and when fuel was wasted.

WEBFLEET OptiDrive displays management performance indicators for speeding, fuel efficiency, idling and braking – all on one easy to read indicator bar in the fleet management WEBFLEET system. In addition, Active Driver Feedback gives employees live feedback on their performance, such as fuel efficiency, excessive steering and braking, on their in-cab PRO navigation device.

The award was presented to TomTom Business Solutions, the fastest growing fleet management service provider for commercial fleets in Europe, at a ceremony on Wednesday May 11 at London's RAC Club.

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