Utilities giant uses TomTom fleet technology to boost customer service

London, 5 November 2012
Forefront Utilities has invested in TomTom fleet management to improve customer service and fuel efficiency, having judged its technology the most user-friendly on the market.

The gas infrastructure specialist has deployed a combined tracking and fuel management system to provide greater visibility of its mobile workforce and reduce costs across its 164-strong vehicle fleet.

Given the nature of our work, excellence in customer service is a top priority for us and we need to ensure our teams are on site, on time said Bradley Beard, Chief Executive at Forefront Utilities.

TomTom fleet management enables us to achieve this while giving us the tools to improve the fuel efficiency of our fleet. Our previous telematics system failed to meet our expectations and we scrutinised the market before selecting TomTom as our preferred provider

With positive feedback from both our transport manager and drivers, we are confident the system will prove a great success

TomTom's online fleet management system WEBFLEET provides managers with full visibility of a company's mobile workforce, with live HD Traffic information enabling them to route drivers to customers more quickly and efficiently.

Forefront Utilities has installed TomTom LINK tracking units alongside ecoPLUS fuel management and diagnostics devices across its entire fleet.

ecoPLUS provides managers with real-time visibility of fuel efficiency by taking live data directly from the vehicle. Information on how the vehicle is driven can then be used to profile drivers and improve performance behind the wheel, using the Optidrive indicator.

TomTom fleet management improves customer service by calculating mobile workers' journey times, based on live and historic traffic information, enabling companies to more accurately plan job schedules. It also enables jobs to be allocated by office-based managers to the most appropriate workers – based upon quickest arrival times – not simply to those who are closest to customers.

Giles Margerison, Sales Director at TomTom Business Solutions, added: Appropriate fleet management technologies enable utility and other fleet companies to manage costs while positively impacting productivity and customer service. They are increasingly becoming integral to their operational processes

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