CSRD: What is the impact on fleet management?

The Corporate Sustain­ab­ility Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a new EU regulation that requires companies to report on risks and oppor­tun­ities arising from social and envir­on­mental issues, such as climate change, and on the impact of their activities on people and the environment. While different types of businesses will be affected by the CSRD regulation at different times, over the coming years many thousands of companies across the continent will need to comply with CSRD.

Webfleet's CO2 Report can help organ­isa­tions in fulfilling their CSRD reporting obligations. Webfleet helps fleets by collecting detailed data on their vehicles' fuel consumption to calculate the level of CO2 emissions produced over the reporting period. This represents a key element of a business’ impact on the environment.

On this page, we will answer some of the questions you might have about this high impact legislation so you can take the right action for your business.

What is CSRD?

What is CSRD?

Up until the end of 2023 the Non-Fin­ancial Reporting Directive (NFRD) required listed companies with more than 500 employees to include non-fin­ancial statements as an integral part of their annual public reporting obligations. As of January 2024, CSRD has replaced the NFRD.

CSRD widens the scope of the legislation and mandates which companies need to report sustain­ab­ility related information and when. To illustrate the impact of the change, while 11,000 companies were in scope for mandatory reporting under NFRD, 50,000 companies are estimated to be in scope under CSRD.

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While there are many different aspects to CSRD, one of the most pressing elements for fleet businesses is that companies in scope need to be recording and reporting the volume of their CO2 emissions.

Emissions are classified into three categories or scopes as follows:

Scope 1:
Direct emissions from owned or controlled fuel-engine vehicles
Scope 2:
Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy
Scope 3:
All indirect emissions from upstream and downstream transport – i.e., vehicles not owned or controlled by the company

How does CSRD impact fleet management?

How does CSRD impact fleet management?

As mentioned above, different companies will need to comply with the CSRD legislation at different times depending on size and certain other charac­ter­istics.

The breakdown is as follows:

Listed companies with more than 500 employees must start recording CO2 emissions from January 2024 to start reporting on their annual CO2 emissions in 2025.
Other large companies that meet at least two of the three following criteria from CSRD must start recording CO2 emissions from January 2025 to start reporting on their annual CO2 emissions in 2026.

The criteria are:

  1. More than 250 employees
  2. More than EUR40 million in revenue
  3. More than EUR20 million total assets
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Listed small and medium enterprises that meet at least two of the three following criteria must start recording CO2 emissions from January 2026 to start reporting on their annual CO2 emissions in 2027.

The criteria are:

  1. More than 10 employees
  2. More than EUR700,000 in revenue
  3. More than EUR350,000 in total assets
Companies with a non-EU parent and over EUR135 million turnover must start recording CO2 emissions from January 2027 to start reporting on their annual CO2 emissions in 2028.

It is important to note that even if your business is not obliged to report on its CO2 emissions this year for CSRD, you may still be asked by your larger customers to provide this information when delivering goods or services to them as they need to report on those indirect or Scope 3 emissions to stay compliant.

So, if you run any type of fleet operation, the sooner you can start accurately and clearly recording your CO2 emissions the better.

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Webfleet’s CSRD solution

Webfleet’s CSRD solution

As Webfleet believes in making life as easy as possible for fleet managers, we have updated our Webfleet CO2 Report specifically to support CSRD compliance. This handy tool creates an accurate, clear report of your fleet’s direct CO2 emissions. With a methodology certified by TÜV Rheinland, it’s a detailed overview of how much CO2 your vehicles produce.

With this data, you can confidently meet the reporting demands of the new CSRD. Also, you get visibility on how, where and why your fleet is producing unnecessary CO2.

As well as helping you to meet the demands of regulations such as the EU’s new Corporate Sustain­ab­ility Reporting Directive (CSRD), it gives you visibility over how, where and why your fleet is producing unnecessary CO2. That way, you can take meaningful, measurable action to reduce your fleet’s carbon footprint without risking fleet productivity.

Secure CSRD compliance require­ments with Webfleet

Secure CSRD compliance require­ments with Webfleet

There are three possible methods for calculating a fleet’s CO2 emissions, according the GHG Protocol standard. Two of these methods are possible with the Webfleet CO2 Report.

1. The fuel-based method
This takes the fuel consumed by a business’ vehicles and then calculates the CO2 emitted based on the appropriate emission factor of that fuel. This is one of the two methods of calculation possible with the Webfleet CO2 Report and is generally considered the most accurate method of estimating CO2 emissions.
2. The distance-based method
This calculates the mass, distance and mode of a shipment and then applies the mass-dis­tance emission factor of the vehicle. This is also possible with the Webfleet CO2 Report.
3. The spend based method
This takes the amount of money spent on each mode of business travel and considers the secondary emission factors involved. This method is considered the least accurate for calculating CO2 and it does not give any actionable insights on how to improve your carbon footprint. Therefore, it is not available with Webfleet CO2 report.

What are the advantages of Webfleet’s CSRD solution?

What are the advantages of Webfleet’s CSRD solution?

The Webfleet CO2 Report enables you to:

  • Track the CO2 emissions produced by every vehicle in your fleet and take action to reduce them
  • Report accurately and easily on your business’ CO2 emissions and envir­on­mental impact
  • Trust a calculation methodology certified by TUV Rheinland for reliable, actionable insights and CSRD reporting

Want to know more about what this market-leading solution can do for you? Then book a call with one of our fleet experts right now.

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