Route Optim­isation explained

Delivery van drives through the cityDelivery van drives through the cityDelivery van drives through the cityDelivery van drives through the cityDelivery van drives through the cityDelivery van drives through the city

Route optim­isation refers to the process of selecting the ideal path of travel across the United Kingdom. By utilising route optim­isation software, fleet managers can effectively organise their daily jobs and increase operational efficiency. Read all about the benefits and how it's done on our website!

What is route optim­isation?

A business owner accepts a delivery

What is route optim­isation?

Route optim­isation refers to the process of selecting the ideal path of travel relative to several key consid­er­a­tions.

Cost-ef­fect­iveness is the ultimate goal, but efficiency is the true key to effective route optim­isation.

For this reason, the distance between two points might not be the most important factor in route optim­isation. In fact, good route optim­isation processes recognise that a number of factors contribute to determining which path is most efficient. For example, the number of turns, the traffic patterns and access to necessary amenities, such as fuelling stations or rest stops, may have the biggest impact on the effect­iveness of a given path.

How does route optim­isation software work?

A delivery guy hands over a package

How does route optim­isation software work?

Route optim­isation cannot be adequately accom­plished by the human hand alone. To achieve this, route optim­isation software is required to analyse multiple destin­a­tions and identify the most efficient route. When it comes to route planning there are a few different factors that can be determined i.e., fastest route, most fuel-ef­fi­cient route and most sustainable route. The software allows a fleet manager to make an informed decision on the most important factor when choosing a route and sends it to the GPS navigation of the designated driver.

Through algorithms, route optim­isation software is able to do the job quickly, rendering pragmatic routes that check for all relevant factors. Some programs are even able to adjust for real-time factors, including weather traffic and car accidents. This helps to ensure that trans­port­ation goes as smoothly as possible, no matter what the situation.

Benefits of route optim­isation for delivery and planning

Delivery vans in a parking lot

Benefits of route optim­isation for delivery and planning

There are many benefits of route optim­isation. First of all, it helps you create more reliable ETAs, which positively impacts customer delivery satis­faction. Route optim­isation will also support driver planning, leading to reduced stress for your drivers, who can limit excess driving time. For example, if your driver has ten deliveries or jobs to complete in a day, just one incorrect turn can result in a delayed ETA for the customer. Ultimately, affecting the business reputation. Route optim­isation gives the fleet manager the ability to easily optimise route planning, removing the stress and allowing the driver to focus on the driving.

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Route optim­isation can also help to quickly test for other what-if scenarios. For example, route optim­isation software may be able to analyse various scenarios relative to the resources that are on hand, answering key questions, such as how many vehicles are optimal for a given route.

Consequently, proper route optim­isation can benefit all involved. It can reduce stress for the driver, offer the manager more efficiency and deliver consistent service to the end customer.

Webfleet and route optim­isation

Trucks on the road

Webfleet and route optim­isation

At Webfleet, we take route optim­isation seriously. Our fleet management software helps you seamlessly monitor the efficiency of your fleet as your drivers travel across the UK in real time.

From getting up-to-date information on how a given route is performing to simply seeing your latest analytics, our route optim­isation algorithms will help you to maximise the efficiency of your UK business. Our programs are easy to use and can be viewed both on mobile and desktop. Contact us today to find out how you can bring your business to the next level!

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Take a look at the issues that are impacting workflow for small and medium sized companies and why many are turning to digit­isation to manage a more efficient fleet.

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