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Is this what your business looks like?

Your telematics system is a data machine. Are you using that data to its full potential? Integrating your telematics system into other departments across your business, can help drive efficiency, save costs and power better decisions throughout the whole organ­isation.

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The problem

So you’ve invested in a telematics system, and more than likely seen some initial improve­ments. But what happens next? If that telematics system simply ‘exists’ within your business – without being incor­porated into your different business functions – you could be missing out on a golden opportunity.

How the data from your telematics system can benefit different departments…


telematics islands compliance

  • Measure and monitor driver behaviour.
  • Accurately identify the drivers who need training.
  • Demonstrate a focus on reducing your accident rate, potentially saving on your insurance premiums.
  • Make it quick and easy for your staff to carry out risk assessments and vehicle inspections.
  • Communicate with your drivers out in the field with audio messages - so they can keep their eyes on the road.


telematics islands customers

  • Offer proactive ETA’s to your customers, so they know when to expect you.
  • Get full visibility over where your operatives are while out in the field.
  • Retrospectively check when your operatives were on site, and for how long.
  • Bill your customers accurately.
  • Improve your customer experience.


telematics islands operations

  • Efficiently schedule jobs with better visibility.
  • Dispatch jobs and information out to your operatives in the field - and receive information back, with photo sharing and signature capture.
  • Make it easy for your staff to carry out vehicle checks and risk assessments, reducing the risk of accidents.
  • Ensure adherence to SLA standards.
  • Faster billing.

Sales & Finance

telematics islands sales and finance

  • Help your sales team spend less time on mileage claims.
  • Greater visibility of how many appointments the team attends every week, and time on site.
  • Help your team avoid traffic, find the best routes - and arrive to appointments on time to make the best possible impression!
  • Demonstrate fulfilment of your duty of care to your employees using vehicles for work (which applies regardless of who owns the vehicle!)

telematics islands sales and finance

  • Save on business mileage costs with comprehensive monitoring of fuel usage.
  • Reduce the risk of abuse, flag up anomalies and save money.
  • Ensure full utilisation of your existing fleet.
  • Effectively monitor overtime.
  • Save on timesheet inaccuracies.
  • Get better ROI with targeted driver training programmes.

Learn more

The bottom line?

With The Webfleet ‘Islands’ Framework, Your business can…

Save time

Cut costs and optimise roi

Make better decisions

Ensure compliance

Interested to find out more? Download our ebook ...

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