Fuel efficiency

Leverage digital solutions to cut your fuel costs

Fuel efficiency

Leverage digital solutions to cut your fuel costs

Lower your fuel spends with insights on vehicle-spe­cific and fleet-wide fuel consumption patterns by using Webfleet. Assess real-time and historical data to identify actions your fleet can take to adopt more fuel-ef­fi­cient driving, maintenance and route planning. Monitor how your fuel savings lead to reduced CO2 emissions. Find out everything you need to know about fuel efficiency.

Improve fuel efficiency with Webfleet

Cut your fleet's fuel costs

By monitoring real-time data

Plan fuel-ef­fi­cient routes

With profes­sional navigation

Reduce your carbon footprint

For a more sustainable fleet

Key features for improving fuel efficiency

Real-time fuel monitoring

Need a clear under­standing of your fleet's fuel consumption? When connecting to your truck's FMS or CAN bus, you can analyse fuel use at the trip level. Is the route fuel efficient, what is the fuel consumption at each point of the route and how much fuel is used? Concerned about possible theft or unusual losses? Get alerts on low fuel levels so you can act quickly.

fuel consumption driving efficiently
fuel consumption over time

Historical insights on fuel use

Gauge fuel consumption over time with historical data on your Webfleet dashboard. Look for anomalies and exceptions as you compare your fleet's fuel efficiency over time. Spot where to optimise vehicle and driver performance for greater fuel savings.

Learn more about Webfleet Reporting⁠

Profes­sional navigation

Ensure your drivers stay on the safest, most efficient routes—better fuel efficiency requires avoiding congested areas, construction zones and bad weather. Webfleet's PRO Driver Terminals provide accurate traffic information and truck­-spe­cific navigation to reduce the total fuel consumption of your fleet.

Learn more about profes­sional navigation and traffic⁠
truck driver fuel consumption tunnel
pro 8475 measure and analyse fuel consumption

Active driver coaching

Support your drivers with in-vehicle feedback and advice through our PRO Driver Terminals. Audio-visual messages help drivers adjust fuel-wasting, CO2-emitting habits in the moment, from idling and speeding to improper gear shifting.

Learn more about PRO 8475⁠

Cruise control guidance

Cruise control is a great way to reduce fuel consumption and to drive fuel efficiently for a longer period. Determine which drivers could use more cruise control training. See where cruise control is engaged via the green map tracing in Webfleet—or just access the trip report. With better use of cruise control, drivers keep their foot off the gas pedal and the risk of speeding will be reduced.

service van driver pro8475 cam50 fuel consumption
van maintenance installing fuel consumption measure­ments

Vehicle maintenance scheduling

Save more fuel with well-main­tained vehicles. When your trucks are running at their best, they're running more fuel efficiently. Schedule in regular maintenance to keep engines, tyres and other truck parts in top shape. Get diagnostic alerts and automate maintenance tasks.

Learn more about vehicle maintenance checks⁠

Find out more about fuel efficiency

What is fuel efficiency?

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Fuel efficiency calculates how far a vehicle can go on one litre of petrol or diesel. The best speed for the lowest fuel consumption for most passenger cars and LCVs is roughly 40 to 50 miles per hour (mph). Driving faster than 50 mph increases aerodynamic drag and reduces fuel efficiency.

How is fuel efficiency measured?

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Officials typically use metric data to measure fuel efficiency: litres per 100 kilometres, or L/km. Calcu­la­tions for fuel efficiency vary by vehicle type, along with factors such as weight and tyre performance. The average fuel consumption for an HCV with a trailer is 30 L/100 km, translating to 39,000 litres per year.

Why is fuel efficiency important?

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Studies show that fuel represents up to 38% of a fleet's total cost of ownership. So, fuel efficiency is key to cutting operational costs. A fuel-ef­fi­cient fleet is a more sustainable fleet: the more efficiently your vehicles consume fuel, the more you reduce your fleet's CO2 emissions.

How to increase fuel efficiency?

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Improve your fleet's fuel efficiency by combining fleet management skills with digital solutions. Choose tools that help you optimise driver performance (behaviours like speed and idling determine fuel consumption), route planning, vehicle maintenance and tyre performance. With a fleet management system like Webfleet, you can easily analyse real-time and historical data on fuel consumption.

What is a fuel management solution?

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A fuel management solution helps fleet owners and managers get better control of their fleet's fuel consumption and improve the fleet's fuel efficiency. A telematics solution integrates hardware and software, offering powerful reporting capab­il­ities on fuel use. Webfleet can help you save up to 15% on fuel with fuel management features like profes­sional route planning and OptiDrive 360, which assesses driving behaviour and provides drivers with active performance feedback.

Why is fuel management important?

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Managing fuel consumption and increasing fuel efficiency is always a priority for fleet businesses, as fuel represents a huge part of running costs. Fuel is a volatile and unavoidable expense, so imple­menting fuel-saving strategies for your fleet is instru­mental to your profit­ab­ility.

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