Fleet management solutions
Vehicle TrackingTrack your trucks, vans, cars, trailers and assets with GPS tracking
Fleet safety and maintenanceEnhance safety with driver coaching, AI dashcam, digitised vehicle check and scheduled maintenance
Workflow managementBoost productivity via professional navigation, route optimisation and order management
ComplianceTrack vehicle inspection, logbook, and coldchain management
Sustain­ab­ility and electric vehiclesReduce CO2 with green driving and EV optimisation

Individual recom­mend­ation
Solution AdvisorFind out which solution fits your business best
Savings Calculator NewFind out how much you can save with fleet management
Safer Fleets initiative AustraliaHelp keep your drivers COVID-safe thanks to a new Safer Fleets initiative
Platform and apps
Webfleet platformSaaS solution to connect you, your driver and your vehicles
Mobile apps NewA full suite of on-the-go applications
Vehicle tracking devicesTrack your vehicles and gain insights with LINK series
Driver Terminals NewNavigate, communicate and report your operation with PRO driver terminal series
Fleet dash camsProtect your fleet and drivers while reducing claims with Webfleet Video telematics.
Business integrationBy Webfleet and third-party solutions
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Fuel management

Driving efficiency for fleets

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Maximising fuel efficiency is paramount for fleet operations, as it translates into bigger cost savings and a smaller environmental impact. This overview page is a gateway to explore various subjects related to fuel management, empowering you to implement best practices and leverage cutting-edge technologies for optimal fuel efficiency and more sustainable operations.

Understanding the fundamentals of fuel management

Fuel management encompasses a set of strategies and practices to optimise fuel consumption across fleet operations. Core goals include cutting fuel costs, reducing carbon emissions and improving overall efficiency. With a solid grasp on the fundamentals, you can unlock substantial cost savings, enhance environmental sustain­ab­ility and grow your competitive edge.

Fleet fuel consumption

To manage your fuel use effectively, you’ll need visibility into your fleet's fuel consumption patterns. By closely monitoring your fuel usage data, you can identify areas for improvement, implement targeted strategies and track the results. Ready to harness data-driven insights to reduce fuel costs, minimise emissions and streamline operations?

Explore our fuel consumption page.

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Fuel management systems

A fuel management system can help you optimise fuel usage and procurement across your entire operation. The best solution will integrate real-time data, giving you the visibility and control needed to run an efficient fleet. From identifying patterns in fuel consumption to optimising your route planning, a fuel management system is key to lowering your costs, reducing emissions and increasing productivity.

Discover how to expand your fuel management strategies—learn more about fuel management systems.

Fuel efficiency

Implementing fuel-ef­fi­cient practices across your fleet can deliver substantial cost savings, not to mention greater sustain­ab­ility for your business. Whether it’s staying on top of vehicle maintenance or analysing driving behaviours, you’ll want to take a multifaceted approach. Our comprehensive guide on fuel efficiency covers proven techniques to reduce your fuel consumption, lower your emissions and get the most out of your mileage.

Achieve more savings and environmental respons­ib­ility with our primer on fuel efficiency.

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Fleet fuel savings

Looking to increase your profitability and compet­it­iveness? Then reducing fuel costs should be a top priority. There are a number of effective techniques to lower your fuel spend. By using a fleet management system, for example, you can track your fuel consumption in real time as well as historically. Wondering what else you can do to maximise your fuel budget and drive down your operational costs?

See our dedicated page on fleet fuel savings for more tips.

Fuel-ef­fi­cient driving

Coaching your drivers on fuel-ef­fi­cient driving practices can bring your business significant savings. Consider how acceleration and braking can make a difference in a vehicle’s fuel consumption, not to mention idling and speeding. We’ve seen it time and time again: Small adjustments can make a big difference in the amount of petrol, diesel and oil that fleet vehicles consume.

Dive into our page on fuel-ef­fi­cient driving for methods that result in more savings and less time filling up your tank at the pump.

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Dynamic route planning

Optimising your delivery routes can be a game changer for fuel efficiency. That’s because with dynamic route planning, you draw from real-time data to chart the most fuel-ef­fi­cient trips. Factor in live traffic conditions, along with your customer locations, to avoid unnecessary mileage and idling. Dynamic route planning is basically a workflow management solution that helps you save fuel and get more done.

Learn more about improving your delivery ETAs while saving fuel with dynamic route planning.

Regular vehicle maintenance

Regular vehicle maintenance plays a pivotal role in maximising your fleet’s fuel efficiency. Vehicles that are properly maintained tend to run better. Regular tune-ups and oil changes can go a long way in keeping your engines in top condition, which is fundamental to saving fuel. By regularly scheduling in maintenance, you can catch potential fuel-wasting issues early on while preventing the unplanned downtime that comes with major repairs or breakdowns.

Visit our vehicle maintenance page for more details on the link between a well-­main­tained fleet and fuel efficiency.

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Tyre performance

Your vehicle tyres have a huge influence over your fleet’s fuel economy. Did you know that when a tyre is underinflated by 20% it leads to a 2.5% increase in fuel consumption? Making sure your tyres are properly inflated is one of the most effective ways to improve fuel efficiency. Timely rotations and rolling resistance also play a role in fuel consumption.

Get our valuable insights on tyre performance so you can shave even more off your fuel bill.

Fuel monitoring and analysis

Driving continuous improvement in fleet fuel efficiency depends in large part on fuel monitoring and data analysis. It’s by capturing and analysing data that you’re able to determine which actions would effectively lower your fuel consumption. With this visibility, you can understand your fleet’s historical and real-time trends in fuel consumption. You also get a clear view of any driving behaviours and operational ineffi­ciencies that contribute to higher fuel spends.

Understand how to transform fuel monitoring and analysis a into fuel-saving actions.

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How to save fuel: the best ways to cut your fleet’s fuel costs

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Fuel is a volatile and unavoidable cost. Read our eBook for practical fuel-saving strategies.

Get your copy

Enhance your fleet's fuel strategy

Take your fuel management strategy to another level with the right tools. A fleet management solution like Webfleet makes it easy to monitor fuel consumption and support more fuel-ef­fi­cient driving behaviours.

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