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What can data do for coach companies? Better routes, better driver behavior and lower costs

Scroll through LinkedIn on a random day and you’ll see plenty of articles, posts, and blogs telling you how valuable data is for the modern business. And it’s true: the data you have access to is one of the most essential resources for getting ahead of the competition. What you don’t read so much about is how – How do you leverage the data at your disposal to make your company more successful?

Take passenger transport as an example. If you run a bus or coach service, the activity of your vehicles and drivers generates mountains of crucial data every day. But what can you actually do with this valuable asset? And how do you go about doing it?

This article takes a look at the most powerful uses of data for passenger transport companies, including better route planning, improved driver behavior, and simplified cost control. Plus it explains how best to manage and utilize this data to boost your business.

Safer, smarter driver behavior

The better your drivers, the happier your customers. So, anything you can do to encourage safer driver behavior is a great way to get return business. It’s also a great way to keep your vehicles in top condition. By analyzing data related to things like speeding, idling or harsh braking, you can identify drivers that are not as safe as possible on the road and train them to cut out bad habits.

Staying on schedule

Your customers expect to arrive at their destination on time. Yet setting accurate ETAs is not so simple. Unexpected traffic and events on the road can hit you with delays that, in turn, leave you with dissatisfied customers. This is where live traffic data is so crucial. By accessing accurate and up-to-date information on the current traffic situation, you can adapt your route to ensure you stay as close to schedule as possible.

Keeping costs under control

Data is also essential for keeping fuel costs down. Access to information regarding cost-effective driving habits (for example, the use of cruise control) helps you identify areas where fuel usage can be lowered and costs can be controlled.

How to make data work for you

So, it’s clear that data is hugely valuable to passenger transport companies. But how do you access and utilize this data? This is where WEBFLEET, TomTom Telematics’ fleet management solution comes in.

From one platform, you can analyze this powerful information, helping you to leverage it to boost your business. For example, the OptiDrive 360 feature allows you to view all the key data related to driver behavior, while award-winning TomTom traffic information keeps your ETAs accurate. Meanwhile, complete visibility over fuel usage makes it easier to cut out wasteful practices.

And that’s just the beginning of what Webfleet can do for your business. Want to find out more about how TomTom Telematics helps you run a secure, high-quality service for your passengers? Then talk to one of our experts today.

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