Fleet management solutions
Vehicle trackingTrack your trucks, vans, cars, trailers, and assets with GPS tracking
Fleet safety and maintenanceEnhance safety with driver coaching, an AI dashcam, digitized vehicle checks and scheduled maintenance
Workflow managementBoost produc­tivity via profes­sional navigation, route optimization, and order management
ComplianceTrack driver's hours, vehicle inspection, and coldchain management
Sustain­ability and electric vehiclesReduce CO2s with green driving and EV optimization

Individual recom­men­dation
Solution advisorFind out which solution fits your business best
Savings Calculator NewFind out how much you can save with fleet management
Platform and apps
Webfleet platformSaaS solution to connect you, your driver, and your vehicles
Mobile apps NewA full suite of on-the-go appli­ca­tions
Vehicle tracking devicesTrack your vehicles and gain insights with the LINK series
Driver terminals NewNavigate, communicate, and report your operation with the PRO driver terminal series
Fleet dash camsProtect your fleet and drivers while reducing claims with Webfleet Video telematics.
Business integrationBy Webfleet and third-party solutions
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Our green mission

We're on a mission to help build a more sustainable future

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How are we building a more sustainable future?

By lowering our own carbon footprint

By helping our customers lower their carbon emissions

As a part of Bridgestone, we share its global commitment to help shape a more sustainable future of mobility. Our fleet management solution Webfleet already helps customers to reduce their fuel consumption and carbon emissions by up to 25%. But as a company, we want to do more. To put Our Green Mission into action we partnered with Justdiggit to positively impact climate, nature, and people.
Jan-Maarten de Vries, CEO, Bridgestone Mobility Solutions

How do we lower our own carbon footprint?

Regreening 15.378 ha in Tanzania

To offset the carbon emissions from our supply chain and facilities, Bridgestone Mobility Solutions partnered with Justdiggit to invest in regreening 15.378 hectares of land in Tanzania. That is an area nineteen times the size of Amsterdam center.

Justdiggit is a Dutch NGO and partner of the UN Environment Program. It is focused on landscape restoration through the re-greening of degraded lands in Africa to make a positive impact on nature, biodi­versity and people.

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By regreening this area, in total around 122,000 metric tons of carbon will be sequestered through bringing back over 636,900 trees. This program not only takes carbon out of the air, but it also positively impacts the livelihoods of over 43,200 people, saves 685 million liters of water yearly, and restores biodi­versity.

Together, we can bring back nature and cool down the planet.

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regreening tanzania
carbon footprint

Our carbon footprint scan

We wanted to better understand the impact our business was having on the environment. That's why yearly we asked Impact Institute to create a scan of our carbon footprint since 2018.

Using these results, over the last four years we have offset our carbon footprint by regreening an area in Tanzania via a separate project with our partner Justdiggit.

In that time, we've worked on regreening a total area of 6.5 million m2 of degraded lands. That equates to 24,000 trees regrown, 460 million liters of water sequestered, and 2200 local people in Tanzania empowered.

How do we help our customers lower their carbon emissions?

We understand that for fleet managers, it can sometimes seem like protecting our ecosystem does not fit with your other business goals. How do you run an environ­men­tally friendly business while also keeping your costs under control, your vehicles on the road, and your working processes as efficient as possible?

At Webfleet, we do not believe these are separate objectives. We believe what is good for business and what is good for the planet can be the same thing.


Our award-winning fleet management solution provides real-time and historic visibility over how your vehicles are being used. You can zero in on areas where fuel is being wasted and take steps to improve fuel usage. For example, trip data shows you where drivers are idling or could engage cruise control more often, helping promote more sustainable and fuel-­ef­fi­cient driving.

By connecting to your truck's FMS, you get clear insights into the trips that your drivers are taking and how your fuel is being used.

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LINK devices

LINK devices are vehicle tracking systems for all fleet sizes and types that tell you more than just the position of your vehicles and trailers. Get clear insight into the trips your drivers are taking and how your fuel is being used.

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PRO Driver Terminals

These all-in-one devices are designed to help drivers work smarter. Truck navigation shows the shortest, safest routes and active driver feedback cuts out habits that waste fuel and increase CO2 emissions.

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electric vehicles

Electric vehicle fleet management

Webfleet electric vehicle (EV) management offers companies the tools they need to get the most value from their EVs. You can monitor both your EVs and your internal combustion engine vehicles on the same interface.

With clear visibility over charge levels, you can stay confident about range and plan jobs efficiently.

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Green Your Fleet

Developed by Webfleet, the Green Your Fleet platform allows our customers to calculate an estimate of their fleet’s CO2 emissions and find out what steps they need to take to make a positive climate impact.

Customers can join our partnership with Justdiggit to regreen African drylands. By greening up and capturing carbon, we can cool down our planet and reverse climate change.

Find out more⁠
green your fleet mission
e invoicing


Since 2018, Webfleet has been encouraging its customers to switch from paper invoicing to e-invoicing. For every paper invoice that is still sent, we donate 30% of the costs for the invoice to Justdiggit.

So far, more than 22,000 customers have switched to e-invoicing. Because of this, we were able to reduce printed paper invoices by more than 280,000 copies.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

We meet eight of the United Nations Sustain­ability Development Goals.

Awards and recognition

EcoVadis Gold Medal

Webfleet has been awarded the EcoVadis Gold Medal for the quality of its sustain­ab­ility management system and commitment to transparency across the value chain. This recognition places us among the top 5% of 150,000 companies assessed globally by EcoVadis, the leading provider of business sustain­ab­ility ratings.

ecovadis gold award 2024

ISO/IEC 14001:2015 Certified Scope

Webfleet has established and applies an Environ­mental Management System according to the ISO 14001:2015 inter­na­tional standard and externally audited by TÜV SÜD. The certi­fi­cation is an inter­na­tional framework that reflects the efforts Webfleet have made to minimize how operations and processes negatively affect the environment and ensures global compliance with applicable environ­mental laws and regulations.

ISO 50001:2018 Certified Scope

Webfleet has implemented an ISO 50001-certified Energy Management System to support our E8 commitment focusing on energy and to reduce our eco-foot­print. It's externally audited and certified by TÜV Thüringen.

The certi­fi­cation is an inter­na­tional framework that reflects the efforts we have made to use energy more efficiently throughout our facilities, operations, and our supply chain by way of a certified Energy Management System (EnMS).

ISO 27001:2017 Certified Scope

Since 2012, Webfleet has implemented an ISO 27001-certified Information Security Management System to support our E8 commitment to providing society with a secure and data-pro­tected Webfleet platform. It's externally audited and certified by TÜV SÜD.

The certi­fi­cation is an inter­na­tional framework that reflects the efforts we have made to reduce the impact of confi­den­tiality, integrity, and avail­ability risks in our Webfleet platform, and our global operations. Following a risk- and prior­i­ty-based approach to information security, the implemented controls are a key enabler for global data protection compliance, including EU GDPR compliance.

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