What is fleet risk management?

Minimizing fleet risk ensures not only the safety and efficiency of your fleet and operation, but also helps avoid costly fines. Any standard fleet-risk-man­agement plan should be driven by compliance and must consider the physical and regulatory risks for fleets.

In this article, we will discuss the risk-man­agement issues impacting fleets, fleet compliance, and how technology plays a role in fleet risk management.

Risk-man­agement issues impacting fleets

Risk-man­agement issues impacting fleets

Risk-man­agement issues impacting fleets

Driver safety

One risk all fleet managers must address is driver distraction, unfor­tu­nately still one of the biggest causes of accidents. Thanks to advance­ments in technology, distracted driver behavior can be detected inside the cab and drivers can be alerted when they are driving unsafely. Further, with the addition of a dash camera, fleet managers can more effectively monitor and coach drivers to encourage them to engage in safe driving – ultimately lowering the risk of accidents.

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Fleet maintenance

Maintenance is also a crucial aspect of driver safety and fleet efficiency. Technology has helped fleet managers efficiently maintain vehicles by monitoring things like engine data, tire pressure, and brake function­ality. Fleet management systems alert you to issues before they become serious problems and you can schedule fleet maintenance tasks efficiently, receive information on trouble codes, and keep your costs down while mitigating fleet safety risks.


Fleet managers are responsible for running a compliant fleet – no matter how big the admin­is­trative headache it might cause. However, fleet management systems can help streamline compliance by automat­i­cally recording hours of service and logging driving times for you.

Compliant fleets

Fleet risk management and compliance

Compliant fleets

To be sure you are operating a compliant fleet, there are four key areas of high priority.

Vehicles must be:

  • Fit for purpose
  • Inspected and maintained regularly
  • Equipped with safety systems
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Drivers must be:

  • Fully trained to operate the class of vehicle they are allocated
  • Fully aware of company safety policies and compliance regulations
  • Driving in good health with a valid license

Operations must offer:

  • Realistic and reasonable work schedules with proper breaks
  • Structured, well-planned personal and company trips to improve safety and mitigate risk
  • Contingent plan for unforeseen variables (e.g. adverse weather conditions)

Management must ensure:

  • All vehicles used by and for the business are properly documented
  • Documents outline respon­si­bil­ities, tasks, processes, and routines
  • Records display effective monitoring and analytic capabil­ities

Fleet-risk-man­agement solution

Fleet risk management solution

Fleet-risk-man­agement solution

Remember to always check with local regulations to stay compliant and on top of rules and regulations. Interested in a fleet management solution to help you mitigate risk and optimize your fleet? Webfleet shines a light on your fleet data that can help you make informed decisions to manage fleet risks effectively, remain compliant, and improve driver safety.

What are the most significant fleet risks?

A vehicle in the road, where the most significant fleet management risks include anything driver safety and fleet maintenance

What are the most significant fleet risks?

The most significant fleet management risks include anything driver safety and fleet maintenance. All drivers should be trained in appropriate driving techniques, the use of proper technology, and the importance of not driving distracted. Vehicles' safety and maintenance are also an enormous fleet risk. Businesses must incorporate management techniques to maintain a fleet and ensure that all vehicles are appro­pri­ately maintained. Finally, other drivers present a constant threat to your fleet. As such, your drivers must be taught appropriate defensive driving techniques. You should use technology like dash cams to ensure that you are monitoring driving behavior and protecting your drivers in the event of an accident.

Which tools and technologies can be used for fleet risk management?

A fleet manager uses software to control fleet risk management, tracking

Which tools and technologies can be used for fleet risk management?

You can utilize many pieces of technology for fleet risk management.

These fleet risk solutions include:

  • A fleet risk management app that tracks your fleet performance and utilizes technology to monitor driving behavior, speeds, and any other maintenance issues on your fleet.
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  • A dash cam that tracks your drivers' behavior and can provide evidence in the unfortunate event that your fleet gets into an accident.
  • Appropriate techno­logical tools that track the overall maintenance of your fleet, providing automated notifi­ca­tions when it is time for inspections or maintenance. This can be a fleet risk management app or other technology, like a website, which automates these functions.

This technology should be coordinated and implemented by a fleet risk manager who is an expert at fleet risk management and trained in the various ways your organi­zation can reduce your fleet management risks.

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