Get the most from your PRO Driver Terminal!

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Start driving with the latest map

Start driving with the latest maps in the Webfleet PRO Driver Terminal

Start driving with the latest map

Roads are always changing. TomTom keeps your map up-to-date right from the start. Connect via Wi-Fi* and download the latest map with all updates** to the road network, addresses, and Points of Interest.

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Get the latest safety camera locations


Get the latest safety camera locations

Drive more relaxed with alerts for speed cameras ahead. These timely warnings increase your drivers' awareness of local speed limits. Save money on speeding fines and increase your drivers' safety on the road. Connect and download the latest speed camera locations on your PRO.

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Latest PRO generation supports new device management


Latest PRO generation supports new device management

Besides MyDrive the latest PRO generation (TomTom PRO 5250/7250) supports map and software updates via SD card. Updates via SD card are especially recommended if you want to update larger amounts of devices.

Best-in-class PRO 8475 and PRO 8475 Truck

PRO 8475

Best-in-class PRO 8475 and PRO 8475 Truck

Our future-proof, ruggedized and versatil Driver Terminals, PRO 8475 and PRO 8475 Truck helps you improve your efficiency, customer service and produc­tivity with Google Services. Webfleet reseller.

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* To update multiple devices we recommend you to contact your Webfleet reseller.

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