Soluciones de gestiรณn de flotas
Seguimiento de vehรญculosMonitoriza tus camiones, furgonetas, coches, remolques y activos con la tecnologรญa GPS
Seguridad y manteยญniยญmiento de la flotaMejora la seguridad con herraยญmientas de formaciรณn para conductores, dashcam IA, inspecciรณn digitaยญlizada de vehรญculos, sistemas de control de la presiรณn de los neumรกticos y manteยญniยญmiento programado
Gestiรณn del flujo de trabajo de flotasAumenta la producยญtiยญvidad con la navegaciรณn profesional, la optimiยญzaciรณn de rutas y la gestiรณn de รณrdenes
ConformidadEvita las multas relativas a la gestiรณn del tacรณgrafo, las horas de conducciรณn, el libro de registro y la gestiรณn de la cadena de frรญo
Sosteยญniยญbiยญlidad y vehรญculos elรฉctricosReduce las emisiones de CO2 con acciones de conducciรณn ecolรณgica y optimiยญzaciรณn de los EV

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Plataforma y apps
Plataforma de WebfleetSoluciรณn SaaS para conectarte con tus conductores y vehรญculos
Apps mรณvilesย NuevoUna serie completa de aplicaยญciones mรณviles
En el vehรญculo
Dispoยญsiยญtivos de seguimiento de vehรญculosHaz un seguimiento de tus vehรญculos y obtรฉn informaciรณn con los dispoยญsiยญtivos de la serie LINK
Interfaces de conductorย NuevoNavega, comunรญcate e informa sobre tus operaciones con las interfaces de conductor de la serie PRO
Dashcams para flotasProtege tu flota y a tus conductores a la vez que reduces las reclaยญmaยญciones con la soluciรณn telemรกtica Webfleetย Video.
Monitoยญriยญzaciรณn de neumรกticosย NuevoReacciona rรกpido y elimina el tiempo de inactividad con TPMS
Integraciรณn con OEMDispoยญsiยญtivos instalados de fรกbrica por los fabricantes de coches
Integraciรณn de gestiรณn del negocioSoluciones de Webfleet y terceros
Plataforma de servicios para EVUna cartera de servicios para flotas comerciales con EV
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Improved WEBFLEET from TomTom WORK is smarter, more interactive and even easier to use

CeBIT โ€“ Hanover, 4 March 2008: TomTom WORK, the business-to-business division of TomTom, today introduces a new and enhanced WEBFLEET service, a market-leading on-line fleet management, order tracking and reporting service accessible 24 hours a day from any Internet-enabled PC.

Users will find the new WEBFLEET more interactive, highly intuitive and easier to use than its predecessor. The result is a system that makes a business smarter and more cost effective by placing intelligence at the user's fingertips.

Users now have a choice of maps โ€“ either the WEBFLEET map, which is frequently updated by the TomTom community with TomTom Map Share, or the satellite map that is able to provide a realistic view up to street level. The ability to see the precise location of all vehicles at a glance and instantly send a message to any of them at a click of a mouse, means that jobs can always be allocated to the one that is best positioned. Additionally, the dispatcher can intelligently plan job allocations taking the actual traffic information into account as the WEBFLEET's map will feature up-to-date traffic information.

The newly-designed interface means that features have been grouped functionally for specific tasks that need to be performed. For quick viewing the user can simply drag the map across the screen or use the mouse to zoom in and out.

The new and improved WEBFLEET from TomTom WORK brings more and better intelligence right into the heart of a business, said Thomas Becher, commercial director TomTom WORK. It creates synergies between all employees making each one more effective, more efficient, more productive and better able to contribute to the bottom line.

Targeted mainly at small and medium-sized businesses, WEBFLEET is at the centre of TomTom WORK's connected navigation solution. This provides a link between a company's base, its vehicles and its back-office functions in an integrated and cost-effective way. It enables:

  • efficient planning;
  • vehicle tracking and consignment tracing in real time;
  • easier compilation of reports on vehicle usage and mileages;
  • fast and effective navigation for drivers; and
  • instant two-way communication.

WEBFLEET can be used across a broad range of businesses and is particularly suited to those where fast response times are critical and where it's vital to keep customers informed of progress.

The new WEBFLEET will be available during Q2 2008.

Learn more about the new WEBFLEET

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