Soluciones de gestiรณn de flotas
Seguimiento de vehรญculosMonitoriza tus camiones, furgonetas, coches, remolques y activos con la tecnologรญa GPS
Seguridad y manteยญniยญmiento de la flotaMejora la seguridad con herraยญmientas de formaciรณn para conductores, dashcam IA, inspecciรณn digitaยญlizada de vehรญculos, sistemas de control de la presiรณn de los neumรกticos y manteยญniยญmiento programado
Gestiรณn del flujo de trabajo de flotasAumenta la producยญtiยญvidad con la navegaciรณn profesional, la optimiยญzaciรณn de rutas y la gestiรณn de รณrdenes
ConformidadEvita las multas relativas a la gestiรณn del tacรณgrafo, las horas de conducciรณn, el libro de registro y la gestiรณn de la cadena de frรญo
Sosteยญniยญbiยญlidad y vehรญculos elรฉctricosReduce las emisiones de CO2 con acciones de conducciรณn ecolรณgica y optimiยญzaciรณn de los EV

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Dispoยญsiยญtivos de seguimiento de vehรญculosHaz un seguimiento de tus vehรญculos y obtรฉn informaciรณn con los dispoยญsiยญtivos de la serie LINK
Interfaces de conductorย NuevoNavega, comunรญcate e informa sobre tus operaciones con las interfaces de conductor de la serie PRO
Dashcams para flotasProtege tu flota y a tus conductores a la vez que reduces las reclaยญmaยญciones con la soluciรณn telemรกtica Webfleetย Video.
Monitoยญriยญzaciรณn de neumรกticosย NuevoReacciona rรกpido y elimina el tiempo de inactividad con TPMS
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TomTom WORK delivers smart routes for trucks on new GO 7000 TRUCK

Amsterdam โ€“ October 1, 2009: TomTom WORK, the B2B division of TomTom, today announces the TomTom GO 7000 TRUCK, a device designed for trucks and large vehicles.

The TomTom GO 7000 TRUCK brings the latest navigation innovations, including Map Share technology. A new Map Share functionality allows truck drivers to make corrections to their map by adding or changing access restrictions for roads based on dimension and weight.

Map Share is imperative in our strategy to deliver the best maps for trucks, says Thomas Schmidt, managing director of TomTom WORK. Pre-installed restrictions mostly cover major and connecting roads, but with Map Share, the driver is able to improve the map up to the very last mile.

With the introduction of the GO 7000 TRUCK, TomTom's Truck Navigation technology is ready to go, with the software pre-installed.

The smartest route
When calculating the best route, the TomTom GO 7000 TRUCK takes the special needs of large vehicles into account. It delivers routes that favour major roads, avoid sharp turns and reflect the lower speeds that trucks typically travel. This means that truckers can avoid small town roads and narrow residential areas where possible. Secondly, the routing takes access route restrictions into consideration when the driver enters dimensions and weight in the personal truck profile.

Driver safety
Being equipped with Text-to-speech and Voice address input, the device increases driver safety by reducing the frequency with which drivers need to look at the display during the journey. Help-me menu and hands-free calling further enhance driver safety.

Ready for business
The device is ready* for the requirements of professional drivers operating in a commercial vehicle fleet. When used in combination with LINK 300 and a subscription to WEBFLEET, the driver can easily report on business mileage and receive destination addresses and orders on the GO 7000 TRUCK. HD Traffic (TM) and other LIVE Services ensure drivers receive current real-time traffic information, as well as reports about delays and suggestions on alternative route suggestions. HD Traffic coupled with TomTom IQ Routes (TM) ensures the best route and provides the most accurate arrival times.

With LIVE Services, drivers also get other relevant route information, including Safety Alerts โ€“ so they know what's ahead, Local Search with Google โ€“ so they can find service stations and businesses on their route and Fuel Prices โ€“ so they can find the cheapest fuel around.

TomTom originally launched Truck Navigation in December 2008, and has further developed the technology, and its coverage, with details of weight and dimensional restrictions now extended to France and Spain**.

Availability and pricing
The TomTom GO 7000 TRUCK comes with maps of Western and Central Europe (42 countries) and is available immediately via distribution partners of TomTom WORK for 399 Euros, plus VAT.

Fleet managers can also get the latest Truck Navigation software on SD card. This means that it can be an optional add-on for TomTom WORK Connected Navigation solutions. The product with map on SD is available for the GO 520, GO 720, GO 920, GO 530, GO 730, GO 930 and GO 7000. The product with map on micro-SD card is available for the GO 9000. The SD cards are priced at 149 Euros.

* The GO 7000 TRUCK is LIVE Services ready, a specific subscription to WEBFLEET is required as well as the installation of the TomTom LINK 300. The LIVE Services for the TomTom GO 7000 TRUCK are available in Belgium, France Germany, Portugal the Netherlands, the UK and Switzerland. Please note that services may vary per country.

** Dimensional and weight restrictions are available on major and interconnecting roads in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.

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