Solutions de gestion de flotte
Géolo­ca­li­sation de véhiculeSuivez vos poids lourds, utilitaires, voitures, remorques et actifs grâce à la géolo­ca­li­sation par GPS
Sécurité et maintenance de la flotteAméliorez la sécurité grâce au coaching des conducteurs, à la dashcam avec IA, à l'inspection numérique, au contrôle de pression des pneus et à l'entretien prédictif des véhicules
Gestion du flux de travailGagnez en produc­tivité avec la navigation profes­sion­nelle, l'optimi­sation des parcours et la gestion des missions
ConformitéÉvitez les amendes grâce au tachygraphe, au suivi des heures de conduite des conducteurs, au livre de bord et à la gestion de la chaîne du froid
Dévelop­pement durable et véhicules électriquesRéduisez les émissions de CO2 de votre flotte grâce à l'éco conduite, aux conseils sur l'électri­fi­cation et à l'optimi­sation des véhicules électriques

Recom­man­dation indivi­duelle
Webfleet ConseilDécouvrez la solution adaptée à votre entreprise
Plateforme et applis
Plateforme WebfleetSolution SaaS pour vous connecter avec vos conducteurs et vos véhicules
Applis mobiles NouveauUne suite complète d'appli­ca­tions mobiles
Dans le véhicule
Appareils de géolo­ca­li­sation de véhiculesSuivez vos véhicules et obtenez des infor­ma­tions avec la série LINK
Driver Terminals NouveauNaviguez, communiquez et créez des rapports d'activité avec la série de Driver Terminals PRO
Caméras embarquées pour flottes de véhiculesProtégez votre flotte et vos conducteurs tout en réduisant les décla­ra­tions auprès des assurances avec la télématique Webfleet Vidéo.
Suivi des pneus NouveauRéagissez rapidement et évitez les immobi­li­sa­tions grâce à TPMS
Intégration OEMAppareils installés en usine par le constructeur automobile
Intégration profes­sion­nellePar Webfleet et des solutions tierces
Plateforme EV ServicesUn porte­feuille de services pour les flottes profes­sion­nelles de véhicules électriques
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Devenir revendeurProposez à la vente la solution de gestion de flotte numéro un en Europe
Devenir partenaire d'intégrationIntégrez la solution de gestion de flotte la plus innovante d'Europe
Réseau EV ServicesIntégrez vos solutions à notre plateforme EV Services pour les flottes profes­sion­nelles électriques
RessourcesDécouvrez notre vaste collection de livres blancs, d'études de cas, de webinaires, de vidéos et bien plus encore
BlogAccédez à des infor­ma­tions et articles exclusifs sur les flottes de véhicules, rédigés par nos experts en mobilité
Livres blancsDécouvrez en détail les sujets les plus importants auxquels votre secteur est confronté grâce à nos rapports détaillés
Études de casQu'est-ce que Webfleet apporte à une entreprise comme la vôtre ? Découvrez ce que nos clients ont à dire
WebinairesParticipez à nos sessions en direct : nous y explorons avec des experts du secteur les tendances et actualités marquantes
VidéosDécouvrez nos produits et solutions en action et découvrez ce qu'ils pourraient vous apporter
GlossaireToute la termi­no­logie de la gestion de flotte est expliquée dans notre glossaire complet

TomTom WORK and Software AG Form Strategic Partnership for Fleet Management

Leipzig and Darmstadt – November 17th, 2009: Software AG, a global leader in business infrastructure software, and TomTom WORK, the division of TomTom dedicated to commercial vehicle fleets, are joining forces, effective immediately. The two companies will combine their expertise to develop a comprehensive solution for intelligent and integrated fleet management.

Software AG's webMethods product suite is the world market leader for business process optimisation, and TomTom WORK provides companies with straightforward and innovative solutions for managing vehicle fleets of any size. As part of the strategic partnership, the two companies will work together to develop and jointly implement a fully integrated approach to fleet management that covers all business processes involved in order processing, and also incorporates unexpected incidents like accidents or breakdowns. The concepts and solutions developed by the partners will be geared toward enterprises where outside sales and service play a key role.

Leipzig-based software and systems vendor itCampus, a subsidiary of Software AG since 1, April 2009, played an integral role in establishing this partnership. For the last two years, itCampus has worked closely with TomTom WORK on the interface design of WEBFLEET, the online solution for fleet and order management.

Ivo Totev, Executive Board member and head of Global Consulting Services, Software AG:
Companies want to optimise their processes using state-of-the-art, flexible technology. The collaboration of two market leaders, TomTom and Software AG, provides customers with integrated solutions that not only reduce their costs but also increase the quality of their service

Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director, TomTom WORK:
We are thrilled to be cooperating with Software AG. Both companies have a proven track record of providing technology that optimises business processes. TomTom WORK's products help companies manage their fleets efficiently. Software AG has the expertise to integrate these technologies seamlessly into business processes

Dr. Andreas Lassmann, Managing Director, itCampus:
I am pleased that we could facilitate this strategic partnership. With our specialized knowledge in the areas of software development and software ergonomics, itCampus will play a pivotal role in helping both market leaders become leaders in fleet management technology as well

About Software AG
Software AGis the world's largest independent provider of business infrastructure software. Our 4,000 global enterprise customers achieve business results faster by modernizing, integrating and automating their IT systems and processes. As a result, they rapidly build measurable business value and meet changing business demands. Based on our solutions, organizations are able to liberate and govern their data, systems, applications, processes and services-achieving new levels of business flexibility. Our leading product portfolio includes solutions for high performance data management, developing and modernizing applications, enabling service-oriented architecture, and improving business processes. By combining our technology with industry expertise and best practices experience, our customers improve and differentiate their businesses-faster. Software AG has 40 years of global IT experience and about 3,600 employees serving customers in 70 countries. The company is headquartered in Germany and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (TecDAX, ISIN DE 0003304002 / SOW). Software AG posted total revenues of €721 million in 2008. Software AG – Get There Faster

About TomTom
TomTom NV (AEX: TOM2) is the world's leading provider of navigation solutions and digital maps. TomTom NV has over 3,300 employees working in four business units – TomTom, Tele Atlas, AUTO and WORK.

TomTom's products are developed with an emphasis on innovation, quality, ease of use, safety and value. TomTom's products include all-in-one navigation devices which enable customers to navigate right out of the box; these are the award-winning TomTom GO family, the TomTom XL and TomTom ONE ranges and the TomTom RIDER. Additionally, independent research proves that TomTom products have a significant positive effect on driving and road safety.

Tele Atlas delivers the digital maps and dynamic content that power some of the world's most essential navigation and location-based services (LBS). Through a combination of its own products and partnerships, Tele Atlas offers digital map coverage of more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. The AUTO business unit develops and sells navigation systems and services to car manufacturers and OEMs. WORK combines industry leading communication and smart navigation technology with leading edge tracking and tracing expertise.

TomTom NV was founded in 1991 in Amsterdam and has offices in Europe, North America, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. TomTom is listed at Euronext Amsterdam in The Netherlands. For more information, go to

About itCampus
itCampus is an innovative software developer with ties to science and research institutions worldwide. Founded in Halle and Leipzig in 1999, itCampus has offices in Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and Slovakia. The company offers its customers across Europe communications technology, IT consulting, and custom solutions in the fields of software development and software ergonomics. Software AG has been a majority shareholder in itCampus since April 1, 2009.

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Annika Schaich

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