TomTom WORK wins Dutch Logistic Award 2007

Amsterdam, 2 November 2007: TomTom WORK, a subsidiary of the world's largest portable navigation solution provider, is the winner of the Dutch Logistic Award 2007. Yearly, the Logistics Management association rewards the most exceptional performance in the logistics field. TomTom WORK receives this year's award for its contribution to decreasing of the total mileage, carbon dioxide emission and traffic jams.

The jury based its decision on a number of criteria: innovation, customer as a starting-point, cost-efficiency, effects on people and implementation. The jury concluded: TomTom WORK is an inspiration and an example for other companies; strategic relevant for customers, an integral approach of the processes (from customer via planning to driver and back again), the smart use of IT and mobile communication and putting the customer in the centre. Most importantly: TomTom is a social relevant innovation for a better and cleaner world.

TomTom WORK won the award based on the case Van der Velden Riooltechniek. After an extensive selection, Van der Velden chose for TomTom WORK in September 2006, because of its user friendliness, the good price-performance ratio and the possibility to integrate with their own ERP and planning software. There are considerably less changes in the planning and less miles are driven. The system is being used successfully by all 13 offices.

Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director of TomTom WORK says: We are proud to receive this award. TomTom has a strong track record of innovations and distinguished development. This price is a great reward for the excellent work of our people.

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