Fleet manage­ment-op­los­singen
Voertuig­volg­systeemVolg uw vracht­wagens, bestel­wagens, auto's, aanhangers en assets met GPS-tracking
Veiligheid en onderhoud van wagenparkenVergroot de veiligheid met het coachen van bestuurders, AI-dash­board­camera's, gedigi­ta­li­seerde voertuig­con­troles, TPMS en gepland onderhoud
Workflow ManagementVerhoog de produc­ti­viteit met profes­si­onele navigatie, route­op­ti­ma­li­satie en orderbeheer
NalevingVermijd boetes met tachograaf-, rijtijd-, logboek- en koelke­ten­beheer
Duurzaamheid en elektrische voertuigenVerminder de CO2-uitstoot met groen rijden, advies over elektri­fi­catie en EV-op­ti­ma­li­satie

Individuele aanbeveling
Solution AdvisorOntdek welke oplossing het beste bij uw bedrijf past
Bespa­rings­cal­cu­lator NieuwOntdek hoeveel u kunt besparen met fleet management
TCO-cal­cu­lator voor EV's NieuwVergelijk de voertuig­kosten over een periode van 5 jaar
Platform en apps
Webfleet-platformSaaS-op­lossing om u, uw bestuurders en uw voertuigen met elkaar te verbinden
Mobiele apps NieuwEen compleet pakket apps voor onderweg
In het voertuig
Voertuig­volg­sys­temenVolg uw voertuigen en krijg inzicht met de LINK-serie
Driver Terminals NieuwNavigeer, communiceer en rapporteer uw werkzaam­heden met de PRO Driver Termi­nal-­serie
Dashboard­camera’s voor wagenparkenBescherm uw wagenpark en bestuurders, en verminder het aantal claims met telematica van Webfleet Video.
Banden controleren NieuwReageer snel en voorkom inactieve tijd met TPMS
OEM-in­te­gratieIn de fabriek gemonteerde systemen van de autofa­brikant
Bedrijfs­in­te­gratieVan Webfleet en oplossingen van derden
EV Services PlatformEen portfolio van EV-services voor bedrijfs­wa­gen­parken
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New TomTom GO 9000… the easiest way for commercial fleets to manage change

Amsterdam, 03 August 2009: TomTom WORK, the B2B division of TomTom, today announces the TomTom GO 9000, a new connected navigation device for commercial vehicle fleets. Part of TomTom WORK Compact, it provides an easy way to manage the fleet and workforce.

This solution will be especially interesting to service organisations, for which flexibility is key, with the following benefits.

  • The TomTom GO 9000 is ready for use out of the box. It is fully portable, not fixed in the car, essential for fleets where drivers and vehicles change frequently or subcontractors are used.
  • The workforce is always connected to the office, both in the vehicle and on the job site, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information on positioning, workflow and staff availability.
  • The real-time traffic information and IQ Routes technology get the workforce to customers, taking the smartest route, any time of day.

We know that service organisations have a higher requirement for flexibility, changing vehicles more often and employing temporary drivers, says Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director, TomTom WORK. We are proud to deliver to them, and other customers, the latest version of our ground-breaking connected navigation solution. Now drivers can arrive on time, stress free and safe, ultimately leading to improved customer service.

TomTom GO 9000
The TomTom GO 9000 device is specifically developed to meet the requirements of professional drivers operating in a commercial vehicle fleet. The device is LIVE Services ready* and offers a number of essential navigation, communication and order management features.

  • Real-time traffic and intelligent routing- The GO 9000 presents users with up-to-the minute traffic speed and incident reports via HD Traffic*. The device also features TomTom's proprietary IQ Routes technology, which calculates the most efficient route for any given time of day and day of week.
  • Time and order management- These features allow drivers to clock in and out throughout the day to report work hours, as well as send confirmation at each stage of an order from pick up to delivery.
  • Two-way communication- Drivers and dispatchers can communicate via text messages.
  • Safer driving- TomTom's connected device is packed with numerous safety features such as a hands-free car kit using Bluetooth technology, TomTom Help Me! emergency menu and text-to-speech technology to read aloud order instructions.
  • Other LIVE Services*- Drivers receive automatic delivery of helpful real-time information including: Fuel Prices, for the most cost-effective fuel; Local Search with Google, for a countless number of points of interest; and Weather, for greater insight into weather conditions en route. The TomTom LIVE Services subscription also includes QuickGPSfix for a faster satellite fix.

Pricing and availability
The TomTom GO 9000 is available immediately via distribution partners of TomTom WORK and is available at a cost of €399 per device. Costs of WEBFLEET subscriptions and LIVE Services are available from channel partners.

TomTom WORK Compact
TomTom GO 9000 is sold in combination with WEBFLEET, a market-leading online fleet management service accessible 24 hours a day from any Internet-enabled computer. WEBFLEET provides everything you need to manage vehicles and orders online and generally improve performance on productivity, service and cost.

*LIVE Services only available with a supporting WEBFLEET subscription. Services vary per country.

Contact­persoon pers

Annika Schaich

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