Fleet manage­ment-op­los­singen
Voertuig­volg­systeemVolg uw vracht­wagens, bestel­wagens, auto's, aanhangers en assets met GPS-tracking
Veiligheid en onderhoud van wagenparkenVergroot de veiligheid met het coachen van bestuurders, AI-dash­board­camera's, gedigi­ta­li­seerde voertuig­con­troles, TPMS en gepland onderhoud
Workflow ManagementVerhoog de produc­ti­viteit met profes­si­onele navigatie, route­op­ti­ma­li­satie en orderbeheer
NalevingVermijd boetes met tachograaf-, rijtijd-, logboek- en koelke­ten­beheer
Duurzaamheid en elektrische voertuigenVerminder de CO2-uitstoot met groen rijden, advies over elektri­fi­catie en EV-op­ti­ma­li­satie

Individuele aanbeveling
Solution AdvisorOntdek welke oplossing het beste bij uw bedrijf past
Bespa­rings­cal­cu­lator NieuwOntdek hoeveel u kunt besparen met fleet management
TCO-cal­cu­lator voor EV's NieuwVergelijk de voertuig­kosten over een periode van 5 jaar
Platform en apps
Webfleet-platformSaaS-op­lossing om u, uw bestuurders en uw voertuigen met elkaar te verbinden
Mobiele apps NieuwEen compleet pakket apps voor onderweg
In het voertuig
Voertuig­volg­sys­temenVolg uw voertuigen en krijg inzicht met de LINK-serie
Driver Terminals NieuwNavigeer, communiceer en rapporteer uw werkzaam­heden met de PRO Driver Termi­nal-­serie
Dashboard­camera’s voor wagenparkenBescherm uw wagenpark en bestuurders, en verminder het aantal claims met telematica van Webfleet Video.
Banden controleren NieuwReageer snel en voorkom inactieve tijd met TPMS
OEM-in­te­gratieIn de fabriek gemonteerde systemen van de autofa­brikant
Bedrijfs­in­te­gratieVan Webfleet en oplossingen van derden
EV Services PlatformEen portfolio van EV-services voor bedrijfs­wa­gen­parken
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Smarter working on the road with new TomTom PRO 8 series driver terminals

Hannover, September 23 2014
TomTom Telematics today presents its new PRO 8 series driver terminals at the IAA Commercial Vehicle Show, which will revolutionise the possibilities and impact of Fleet Management on the business processes of clients in all industries.

The driver terminals are connected to the SaaS fleet management platform WEBFLEET, and are designed to seamlessly integrate information captured in the field into back-end systems and thus enable decision making based on real-time data.

The new API, PRO.connectoffers new opportunities to customize the driver terminal with apps to further digitize the workflow process. Applications such as vehicle checks, proof of delivery, question paths and barcode scanning can be integrated into WEBFLEET workflow, making life on the road easier for mobile workers and, but also improving service quality for end-customers.

The PRO 8270 & 8275 comes with a mobile device management platform to administer the various apps and workflow scenarios. This gives customers full control over platform and devices, and the ability to service the driver terminal remotely. Companies using this platform ensure information security and contribute to increased safety on the road by reducing driver distraction.

WEBFLEET and the new TomTom PRO driver terminals give businesses the flexibility they need to operate fleets more efficiently and to improve customer satisfaction said Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director TomTom Telematics. By providing both driver and back office information in real-time, they can work better as a team to make smarter decisions

Mobile apps, along with other hardware and software applications available for integration are showcased in WEBFLEET’s’ App Center, which is the first platform in this industry offering ready made integrations for a wide range of software from standard ERP or warehousing applications up to industry specific industry software.

The new PRO 8 series is based on the TomTom BRIDGE and is the exclusive device platform that is fully out-of-the-box compatible with TomTom WEBFLEET. The PRO 8 series offers additional integration capabilities for customised Apps using the new PRO.connect API, and comes with a ready-to-use mobile device management platform.

Contact­persoon pers

Annika Schaich

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