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Digitise your workflow and boost efficiency the easy way with Webfleet Work App. This simple Android app comes with two vehicle tracking options and has everything your drivers need to stay on top of their daily tasks.
A Webfleet Work App é uma excelente ajuda
Monitorize a localização dos seus veículos em tempo real no Webfleet
Saiba quem está a conduzir em qualquer altura e veja as suas pontuações OptiDrive1
Melhore a experiência do cliente com horas de chegada prevista precisas2
Obtenha uma visão geral das horas de trabalho, viagens ou estados de trabalho registados
Envie tarefas e instruções de tarefas diretamente do escritório para a Work App
Proteja os seus dados e a privacidade dos seus condutores
Caraterísticas principais
Track and trace
View the driving times, mileage and locations of your vehicles in real time or over a chosen period in Webfleet. You have two tracking options: Mobile Tracking works via the driver's own Android mobile device (no extra hardware needed), while LINK Tracking allows tracking with a LINK device.

Driver assignment
Drivers can use Work App with Mobile Tracking to assign themselves to available vehicles or you can assign a vehicle to a specific driver on a fixed basis. When personnel change, you can reuse existing subscriptions for new vehicles or drivers.
Seamless communication
Send jobs and order instructions from your office directly to your driver's mobile device. Your drivers will never miss an important update thanks to push notifications. Stay connected with two-way messaging, so you can react quickly to unexpected events.

Working times and trip modes
Record working hours and trips with a simple tap on the screen. Define the type of trip (business, commute or private) or work status (work, break or work finished).
Protect your drivers' privacy
Drivers can change the trip mode from business to private with just one tap on their screen, allowing you to respect their privacy when a journey isn't work-related. Private mode is active by default.

Why are companies digitising their workflows?

Find out how technical and service maintenance companies like yours are turning to digitisation to cut costs and get more jobs done.
Por que razão optar pelas Webfleet?

Os nossos prémios e certificados
This app has changed the telematics game.
James Shivas, Simplicity GroupEsta aplicação mudou o setor da telemática.
Tive sorte de participar na fase de teste da versão beta da Webfleet Work App. Foi necessário efetuar testes rigorosos assim como dar feedback construtivo diretamente à Webfleet, e devo dizer que se esforçaram imenso nesta versão.
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See what Webfleet Work App can do for your business.

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