TomTom Telematics takes fleet management innovation to the next level with .connect Developer Conference

TomTom Telematics is bringing IT professionals and app/software developers together to take the industry to the next level at its unique .connect Developer Conference 2015.

Now in its second year, the conference will take place on June 9 in Amsterdam. Attendees will be able to share ideas, experiences and best practices while discovering the latest opportunities in connected applications for business vehicles during the full-day event.

A number of inspiring technical sessions will help delegates make best use of the APIs and SDKs provided with TomTom's open telematics platform WEBFLEET, stimulating the development of more groundbreaking apps and integrations. Commercial support will also be provided, giving developers guidance on how to bring connected vehicle solutions to market that address the current and future needs of businesses in a variety of market sectors.

Last year’s conference proved a resounding success with delegates attending from 12 countries across the globe and we are looking forward to building on the momentum this year, said Taco van der Leij, VP Marketing, TomTom Telematics.

We currently stand on the verge of an exciting new era for the fleet management industry, with ever increasing possibilities for the creation of new industry solutions that harness the power of connected vehicles. Together with our partners we want to create new apps and integrations that will offer innovative benefits to customers in any industry, operating any type of vehicle fleet. Whether focused on driver behaviour, safety, efficiency, productivity or customer service, these new technologies will help to revolutionise business processes through greater levels of automation and insight and ultimately bring the technology closer to the driver.

The .connect Developer Conference will also provide delegates with information on WEBFLEET's latest features. These include OptiDrive 360, a driver behaviour tool providing real-time, predictive advice on performance; Remaining Driving Times, which monitors driver hours for working time compliance; and the Mobile Device Management platform, allowing businesses to manage the remote distribution of software for the new customisable PRO8 driver terminal.

With more than 330 partners, TomTom Telematics already has the largest partner ecosystem in the fleet management industry. The market-leading range of apps built in and around the WEBFLEET platform cover a variety of functions –including CRM and ERP, planning and scheduling, route optimisation, temperature control, mobile printing and lone worker safety – and are all available in the company's App Center. Integrations are also available for usage based insurance.

Developers and IT professionals interested in attending the .connect Developer Conference 2015 can register at


Annika Schaich

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