Fordons­spårningSpåra dina lastbilar, minibussar, personbilar, släp och andra tillgångar med GPS-spårning
Vagnparks­sä­kerhet och underhållHöj säkerheten med förar­coachning, AI-styrd fordonskamera, digita­li­serad fordons­kon­troll, övervak­nings­system för däcktryck och planerat underhåll
Hantering av arbets­flödetHöj produk­ti­vi­teten med profes­sionell navigering, ruttop­ti­mering och order­han­tering
Regel­ef­ter­levnadUndvik straffav­gifter med hantering av färdskrivare, förar­kör­tider, körjournal och kylkedjor
Hållbarhet och elfordonMinska CO2-utsläppen med grön körning, elråd­givning och elfor­don­sop­ti­mering

Individuell rekom­men­dation
Lösnings­råd­givareTa reda på vilken lösning som passar ditt företag
Plattform och appar
Plattformen WebfleetSaas-­lösning som ansluter dig, dina förare och dina fordon
Mobilappar NyhetEn hel uppsättning mobilappar
I fordon
Fordons­spår­nings­en­heterSpåra dina fordon och få information med hjälp av LINK-serien
Driver terminals NyhetNavigera, kommunicera och rapportera med PRO Driver Termi­nal-­serien
Fordonska­meror för vagnparkerSkydda din vagnpark och dina förare samtidigt som du minskar antalet anspråk med Webfleet Video-­te­le­matik.
Däckö­ver­vakning NyhetReagera snabbt och eliminera stille­ståndstid med ett övervak­nings­system för däcktryck
OEM-in­te­greringFabriks­mon­terade enheter från biltill­verkare
Verksam­hets­in­teg­rationWebfleet- och tredje­partsslös­ningar
EV Services PlatformPortfölj med elfor­dons­tjänster för kommer­siella vagnparker
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Resurser för utvecklareBörja bygga med vårt API
Bli partner
Bli säljpartnerSälj Europas marknads­le­dande lösning för vagnsparks­han­tering
Bli en integ­ra­tions­partnerIntegrera med Europas mest innovativa lösning för vagnparks­han­tering
EV Services NetworkIntegrera dina lösningar på vår elfor­dons­tjäns­te­plattform för kommer­siella vagnparker
ResurserTa en titt på vårt omfattande utbud av faktablad, fallstudier, webbse­mi­narier, videofilmer och mycket mer.
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FallstudierVad kan Webfleet hjälpa ett företag som ditt med? Läs vad våra kunder säger.
OrdlistaLäs förkla­ringar av vagnparks­han­te­rings­termer i vår omfattande ordlista.

We are now able to deliver a world class service consistently where product is on-time every day, an improvement in delivery targets of 20%.

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The Organisation

The Organisation

Krispy Kreme UK currently operates 46 stores and has a presence in over 400 cabinets with retail partners including Tesco outlets across the country. The company entered the UK market in October 2003 in London and has since opened Hotlight stores in key cities including Manchester, Leeds, Portsmouth, Birmingham and Bristol, all of which include a unique ‘doughnut theatre’ giving lucky customers the ultimate Krispy Kreme experience. Krispy Kreme UK delivers fresh doughnuts daily from the regional Hotlight Stores to coffee bars and kiosks in the local area, including a number of kiosks within Waterloo, Victoria, Paddington and Euston railway stations, targeting commuters travelling to work.

The Challenge

The Challenge

The 11 locations (hubs) produce 200 dozen doughnuts per hour, each location has to deliver to 3 routes, from 3 vehicles, a total of 33 vehicles. Deliveries are made in the early morning in time for the day’s business, and the implication of a late delivery has an obvious impact on sales performance. If the product isn’t on the shelves in the morning, not only would this result in immediate lost sales; it also has an impact on the customer experience.

Krispy Kreme operated a manual system that gave limited visibility as to vehicle positions and scheduled departure and arrive times. A solution was needed to ensure deliveries were on time, but also to provide vital information to production to ensure products were ready for distribution.

The Solution

The Solution

Following a successful pilot in 3 vehicles in Portsmouth, the company decided to install LINK devices from Webfleet in all 33 vehicles. The LINK tracking unit connects the vehicle to the office so the logistics manager can see vehicle location in real time which provides a permanent data flow for communication and workflow updates between vehicle and office. With real time traffic updates delivery vehicles can avoid traffic and show an accurate time of arrival to the manager in the office.

Krispy Kreme UK Logistics and Webfleet worked closely with ConnectFleet, a systems integrator and member of Webfleet' network of accredited partners, to produce bespoke reporting that enabled the business to tailor the solution to the challenge in hand.

Each vehicle completes three routes per day to specific delivery points; a geofence was created around the individual store addresses, which signals an alert when the van enters or leaves the area marked around the store premises. Each region is aware of status of delivery and if there is a delay the store is informed and operations can resolve any issues.

ConnectFleet developed a snap shot report comparing vehicle progress from the different depots, at 05:40hrs and again at 06:30hrs daily via email to store managers, when deliveries are due to be completed. Reports are visible to all managers and this has resulted in some healthy competition between depots!

Webfleet has brought many benefits to the logistics department at Krispy Kreme says Ben Povey, Logistics Manager. We are now able to deliver a world class service consistently where product is on-time every day, an improvement in delivery targets of 20%.

The round-the-clock monitoring increases the security of the vehicle and the person driving it. Krispy Kreme has developed an ‘out of hours’ alert, sending an alert if the vehicle moves between 14:00hrs and 03:00hrs.

Krispy Kreme is delighted with the performance and commercial improvements and is now considering tackling fuel reduction by monitoring idle time using the Webfleet ecoPLUS. This cost reduction will further increase profitability and allow them to reduce their carbon footprint. Profitability and a green and efficient approach to operations is core to the Krispy Kreme brand.

Krispy Kreme hitta den perfekta lösningen för vagnparks­han­tering med de här kompo­nen­terna1:


Spåra fordons­plats och körstil i realtid.

Utforma den lösning för vagnparks­han­tering som är rätt för dig på bara några sekunder

Vill du stärka din verksamhet?

Få de senaste branschny­he­terna, tillkän­na­gi­vanden om produkter och uppda­te­ringar om vagnparks­han­tering.

Få en demo

Titta på hur Webfleet kan hjälpa ditt företag.

wf fleet optimisation supporting image 01wf fleet optimisation supporting image 01wf fleet optimisation supporting image 01wf fleet optimisation supporting image 01wf fleet optimisation supporting image 01wf fleet optimisation supporting image 01
1 Det är möjligt att enheten som kunden använder har fasats ut och ersatts med efter­föl­jande modell

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För att visa innehållet krävs ditt samtycke för följande cooki­e­ka­te­gorier:

  • Riktad reklam
  • Analys och anpassning
  • Nödvändiga

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