Soluciones de gestiรณn de flotas
Seguimiento de vehรญculosMonitoriza tus camiones, furgonetas, coches, remolques y activos con la tecnologรญa GPS
Manteยญniยญmiento y seguridad de la flotaMejora la seguridad con herraยญmientas de formaciรณn para conductores, dashcam IA, inspecciรณn digitaยญlizada y manteยญniยญmiento programado de vehรญculos
Adminisยญtraciรณn de la fuerza de trabajoAumenta la producยญtiยญvidad con la navegaciรณn profesional, la optimiยญzaciรณn de rutas y la gestiรณn de รณrdenes
ConformidadInspecยญciones de vehiculos y adminisยญtraciรณn de la cadena de frรญo
Sosteยญniยญbiยญlidad y vehรญculos elรฉctricosReduce el CO2s con la conducciรณn ecolรณgica y la optimiยญzaciรณn de vehรญculos elรฉctricos

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En el vehรญculo
Dispoยญsiยญtivos de seguimiento de vehรญculosHaz un seguimiento de tus vehรญculos y obtรฉn informaciรณn con los dispoยญsiยญtivos de la serie LINK
Interfaces de conductorย NuevoNavega, comunรญcate e informa sobre tus operaciones con las interfaces de conductor de la serie PRO
Cรกmaras de vehรญculo de flotaProtege tu flota y a tus conductores a la vez que reduces los reclamos con la telemรกtica de Webfleet Video.
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TomTom Introduces TomTom WORK in the US

Concord, MA, January 8, 2007 โ€“ TomTom, the world's largest navigation solution provider, today announced the launch of TomTom WORK, a new product and services offering that provides businesses with a Connected Navigation solution. TomTom WORK combines tracking and tracing technology with smart navigation for easy, two way communication for cars, dispatchers, fleet managers and drivers.

TomTom WORK offers an easy to use connected solution for fleet owners to streamline the daily management and communication with their fleet and staff. Companies that benefit from TomTom WORK include those that rely on the efficient and flexible management of commercial vehicles to meet customers needs while simultaneously monitoring each vehicle's progress.

We searched for over a year and half for a tracking and tracing solution for our medical supply delivery trucks that met our needs, said Doug Wedekind, vice president of Orange Belt Pharmacy. TomTom WORK is the only solution that is able to track our trucks and provide navigation in a single application. This is exactly the solution we have been waiting for.

Michael Seifeddine, Director of Operations for 1-888-TRASH IT! added, To handle the increasing demands of our rapidly growing residential and commercial junk removal business, we rely on TomTom WORK to provide reliable and accurate tracking and tracing communications to our fleet. TomTom WORK allows us to respond to our customers more quickly with accurate directions and a better response time at a price we can afford.

Key elements of the TomTom WORK solution:

  • WEBFLEET: an easy to use web-based service, giving access to 24-hour vehicle management and comprehensive reporting tools. WEBFLEET allows businesses to view their vehicles' and drivers' exact locations and manage new tasks.
  • TomTom LINK: a compact, small unit placed inside each vehicle, allowing users to automatically and cost effectively transfer current vehicle positions (using GPS) and other information (via GPRS) to WEBFLEET.
  • TomTom GO 910 or TomTom GO 510: TomTom's award-winning TomTom GO range provides each driver with their own portable navigation system, allowing users and fleet owners to communicate easily with office staff (via WEBFLEET and TomTom LINK).

TomTom is excited to launch this efficient, simple and valuable solution to businesses across the US, said Jocelyn Vigreux, president of TomTom Inc. TomTom WORK offers significant time and cost savings without the requirement of additional software or technical support. Additionally, by connecting operators of fleets with their drivers, TomTom WORK brings transparency to businesses and their customers, keeping transactions more efficient and simple.

Key benefits:

  • Smart and efficient tracking, tracing and planning.TomTom WORK's tracking and tracing technology is easy to install and allows managers to view vehicles in real-time on digital maps and determine exact locations from their computer. Once the positioned is determined, the best vehicles in-route can be easily selected to manage new tasks.
  • Professional reporting.Using TomTom WORK, businesses can produce automatic logbooks of driving time, times of standstill for mileage calculation, and payroll and expense accounting. Managers can receive a variety of daily, weekly and monthly reports for the level of data transparency the company requires.
  • Easy and clear navigation.TomTom WORK's smart navigation system orders jobs by destination address, so that tasks can be completed faster. Drivers can plan their day efficiently and reroute as necessary making work easy and hassle free.
  • Two way communication.Office-based managers can communicate with drivers by sending orders and text messages, enabling client orders and locations to be updated and new tasks and navigation coordinates to be sent to appropriate drivers. Drivers can send (standard) messages on order and work status.

For under $2 per day, customers can subscribe to the WEBFLEET solution.
Other costs include:

  • $500 for TomTom LINK; and
  • The cost of a TomTom GO 510 or GO 910 portable navigation device.
Installation of TomTom WORK must be performed by a professional installer. Warranty is void if not professionally installed. Charges will vary by installer.

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